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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

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DEAL PRICE: $44.99 (74% OFF)


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L.A. Cheder Boys Learn 158,864 Lines by Heart

As every year, from Yud Shevat through Yud Alef Nissan, students of Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles prepared a special and most befitting present for the Rebbe – their annual Mishnayos Be’Al peh program. Together, the talmidim learned and were tested on a total of over 158,864 lines of Mishnayos, Tanya, Siddur and ‘Yediyos Kloliyos.’

1,300 People Were Moved at Annual Prayer Breakfast

by Terry Eberle – News-Press

Rabbi Yitzchock Minkowitz (right) speaks with a guest at the event.

At daybreak last Thursday, 1,300 people were moved at the annual Community Prayer Breakfast at Harborside Event Center.

Politicians Unveil ‘Leiby Kletzky Security Initiative’

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) and New York State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos made history today when they unveiled an extensive security initiative designed to protect residents of Borough Park and Midwood.

Chabad Serves UNT’s Expanding Jewish Population

University of North Texas student Josh Kasoff dons the Jewish prayer boxes known as tefillin with the assistance of Rabbi Levi Dubrawsky at a recent Israel-themed fair.

Jewish students at the University of North Texas now have a home away from home with the opening of a new campus Chabad House run by Rabbi Levi and Leah Dubrawsky, who moved up the I-35 corridor to Denton from the Dallas area just two months ago. Drawn by UNT’s growing Jewish student population, the couple is part of an ever-expanding network of hundreds of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries concentrating on campus communities.

Missionary Material Distributed in Crown Heights

Residents of Crown Heights awoke this morning to find a package containing booklets and DVDs on their doorsteps. The envelope says it is sent by the “Israel Restoration Ministries,” but a quick glance inside affirms the source of the material: Missionaries targeting new converts to Christianity. Please be advised of the content before bringing it into your home.

This Tuesday: KSCVK Ice Cream Social

It has become a phenomenon that many woman and girls eagerly await each year: the Keren Simchas Choson Ve’kallah’s Ice Cream Social. This year’s event is Game Night, Ice Cream Social & Mini Auction; it will take place this Tuesday, May 22nd / Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 6:30 PM at Beis Rivkah, 470 Lefferts Ave. [corner Brooklyn Ave.]


Blog: Why Koreans Love Jews

by Julia Bass – Jewish Chronicle

RabbI Osher Litzman, Shliach to Seoul, with South Korean prime minister Han Seung-soo.

I was sipping tea with a South Korean friend of my father’s when he asked: “Do you go to church?” It’s a much more common getting-to-know-you question in Korea than in the north-eastern United States, so I replied: “I actually don’t go to church, I’m Jewish.” When the oohs and ahs from members of the family, who were thrilled to learn I was part of the tribe, had subsided, my father’s friend proclaimed: “I forgot your dad is Jewish! Koreans are the Jews of Asia!”


19-Year-Old Bochur Completes Shas in Three Years

Devoting hours of intense study every day to his regular course load, a 19-year-old boy from Toronto has accomplished in the astonishing time of three years what most adults spend their whole lives attempting. But ask Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva student Shaya Zirkind what secret allowed him to learn the entire Talmud and he’s surprisingly down to earth in his answer: go to bed early, wake up refreshed, and take each day at a time.