Residents of Crown Heights awoke this morning to find a package containing booklets and DVDs on their doorsteps. The envelope says it is sent by the “Israel Restoration Ministries,” but a quick glance inside affirms the source of the material: Missionaries targeting new converts to Christianity. Please be advised of the content before bringing it into your home.

Missionary Material Distributed in Crown Heights

Residents of Crown Heights awoke this morning to find a package containing booklets and DVDs on their doorsteps. The envelope says it is sent by the “Israel Restoration Ministries,” but a quick glance inside affirms the source of the material: Missionaries targeting new converts to Christianity. Please be advised of the content before bringing it into your home.


  • CR

    Talk to these people for a few seconds and you will quickly find that they do not send out the brightest bulbs to knock on doors. They only know their prepared talking points and prooftexts. But if you ask them anything “off script” they hurriedly try to change the subject back to their comfort zone.

  • joe

    To bad lagbomer bonfires are over.. could have been useful to use at least…

  • possa

    Please take down that offensive picture mentioning JC (Cheese & Crackers)

    Do these guys say Yechi?

  • Dovid

    OMG! They are such a threat to our daily lives!!! Oh no, we must be careful not to….. oh I forgot, this is not an issue whatso ever. Remember ppl , the 1500s are long over and the “Goyim” are not trying to convert you anymore. Even if some of them try it’s just a futile attempt. We need to get passed our paranoia and stop thinking along the lines of “them” attacking “us”.

  • kashrus

    its just like kashrus. If you don’t recognize the name, then don’t use it.
    but most everyone here will pitch it. Better to do that than have them give it to others who won’t G-d forbid know the difference.

  • Not only in Crown Heights!

    I live in Miami Beach and I received one yesterday and this morning! Watch out frum communities

  • Moshiach now!

    I saw theres also a church right in boro park off of ditmas ave, a few blocks away from a major Yeshiva

    Garbage material, too bad they waste that much paper! :)

  • Everywhere!

    They are all over the country and world right now from my research and I found their website by scanning the package and info which goes to http://www.israelrestoratio… and they had a bunch of frequently asked questions which they have answers to and vidoes of Tom Cantor. I thought some of the responses were interesting, but they claim no one can convert unless they are seeking the truth of who the Messiah is, or who G_D is or his son.