Picture of the Day: Crown Heights Rabbonim at Asifa

In spite of discrepancies over the invitation of the Lubavitch community to the Citi Field internet gathering, the Rabbonim of the Crown Heights Beis Din attended and were assigned seats of honor at the dais. Seen in these photographs from Yeshiva World News are Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba (partially obstructed) and Rabbi Shlomo Segal.


  • Thinkster

    Main Rabbi: “Now, okay, by show oif hands, who vants to ban facebook?”
    Everbody: “Facebook? Du bist meshugga? Ich veiss, er is meshugga”

    Main Rabbi: “And what about crownheights.info?”
    Everybody: “For sure Nisht! How would we know vat is happening in the oilam?”

    Main Rabbi: “Then by popular opinion, vee keep der internet. Moishe, I haff no idea vat i am talkink about”

  • that just goes to show

    this is the approach of chabad leadership.

    since when does manis have an opinion on chabad internal standards, anyway?

  • good for them

    they dont just talk the walk, they walk the talk and went.

    unlike the other “rabbonim” who think they are higher then everyone else and cant work with anyone

  • So proud

    So they sat there as The Mashgiach quoted “ Reb Ahron Zecher Tzadik Vkodoish Levrocha” and as The “Poisek Hadoir” ruled that you can’t except a child into any Moisad Chinuch if they have internet access at home. The boss must be so proud.

  • Rabbi Moishe Kotlarsky

    Rabbi Moishe Kotlarsky was also there in an honorable place of important askanim and leaders

  • Moishie

    The asifa was kedai if only for the achdus alone! As Rashi says by Har Sinai that klal yisrael was k’ish echad b’lev echad! we just said this in dayena by the seder: eelu kervanu lifnei har sinai vlo nosan lanu es hatorah dayeinu.
    We should just keep seeing achdus among klal yisrael, which will certainly hasten the geula BE”H!

  • why give kotler any credibility

    in my opinion they wated their time and after kotlers comments about lubavitch they owed it to not go and stand up for the rebbes kovod
    shame on them

  • DaasTorah

    I find it hilarious that photos of a gathering against the Internet are on the Internet.

  • Yankee.

    The whole gathering was a joke, but actually more sinister. They wanna keep ppl to not have access to any information so they wanna ban the internet . Very sad.

  • to moshe

    I think we can learn from this event that we should make the kinus hasluchim in Citi feild and invite all chabad and yes all of crown heights that will be a great way of achdu

  • kovod zoochers

    hey the street says rabbi zalman eib got 1 million to attend
    vishnitz rebbe got 350k square got 100k
    and lubav got embarrassed by kotler
    a disgrace to anyone who went to watch this waste of money and time and from people who tried to humilate the friedeke and lubavitcher rebbe

    these rabbis care more about thier kovod then they do lubavitch

  • yes

    so nice to see a bunch of 80 and 980 yr olds talk about the internet, do they even know the difference between mac and pc? LOL

  • Chaim L

    Though I am a lubab – I took my son last night to Citifield
    The reasons I felt it was important to go was to Show my son that we ARE part of the “frumme Kreizen” -Yes we may have different Shitos and more progressive attitudes sometimes much more accepting
    ( which I wonder today with the sad reality of how our community looks like -weather we really shouldn’t rethink some of those ideas-and friends even if there are some haters that don’t want us there- SO WHAT -will we allow them to shut us out of the largest gathering of Yidden for the last probably 100 years..plus 97% of the Rabbonim there are good friends and the main speaker spoke out for Sholom Mordechai many times .AND IT IS OK EVEN if we are Lubavitch to get inspired by other Frumme Yidden-Are we only Nispoel when A Goyishe politician or actor says something about Chabad – but CH”V to glean anything from our Frumme brethren- We have boxed ourselves away from the rest of the Frummer world( yes I know they haven’t always been the most friendly ) yet if not to garner strength from their battles for a pure and cleansed Neshama who will we learn from – Of course Chassidus and the Directions of our Holy Rebbe’s -yet Yidden need other Yidden to inspire them -Why can we seem to figure out how to get along with every other reform -secular Jew- yet we get all judgmental and defensive when it comes to other Frumme Yidden

    Also I wanted him to see that Yidden shudder and Shreii when it comes to Yiras Shomayim in their Machna They don’t distract themselves by talking about global issues and world politics -rather what really matters is -what we look at -what we see – What we allow to fill our minds
    The main speaker spoke so eloquently about how this is not about just the shmutz on the net rather -the internet is a culture- its a way of life -it fills our days- it defines our conversations -It empties our lives of sanctity -Unless you are in self denial you know as well as I that this is so true
    I wanted my son to see that there are Yidden that still cry out about these things and aren’t too sophisticated or arrogant to admit that we are vulnerable to the ensnarement and trap of the net -and that its a plague that is hitting almost every home – In my humble opinion Chassidus is brilliant diamonds -and every Lubavitcher who inherits it is a Billionaire that no group can match to – yet we also need pocket change to deal with my personal simple Yetzer Harah -My Choshech Kaful Umichupal – good old Yiras Shamoyim talk-
    May Hashem help us to make our lives pure and be Chassidim like the Rebbe wanted from us

  • Oregano Wilkenson Taylor

    All of the Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivas who attended should gather their talmidim and baalei batim to the bais medresh. They should take out a Sefer Torah and swear a shevua d’oraiso that THEY will never use their cell-phones or computers for any improper purposes, “so help me G-d.” And if I slip, I will give $1,000.00 to this moisad.” Then they should invite all of their talmidim and baalei batim to come up to the bima and swear the same shevuah. NO BLI NEDERS allowed.

  • @ 13

    there may be something wrong with Kovod Zoochers according to you, yet ironically, i find Machlokes zuchers (not zoochers) to be worse. Sooo… tip – careful what you write about Rabbonim

  • Lakewood Resident

    Hershel Tzig writes on his blog “circus tent” That at a fundraiser for BMG last week in Toronto Rav Malkiel Kotler told someone “I do not understand what the whole Tummel is concerning his recent comment about Lubavitch in Monroe everyone knows the Rebbe was a Sonei Torah”

  • kovod zoochers

    @ 13 its against anyone who tries to embarrass or say lies about our rebbe
    i wouldnt eat in the hous of kotler who in my opinion is lower then low for his comments

    i would have preffere to see everyone getting a flier outside that said that due to kotlers comments lubavitch satmer( aharon side ) YU sefrardim didnt go

    and yes all lubavitchers who went there should be ashamed of themselves to attend an event run by sonei rebbe

  • kotlers worse then the internet

    i would rather play on the internet then see kotler
    kotler is worse for my neshoma

  • Boruch

    #2 you’re a classic mechtzaf and az ponim. I don’t believe for a moment that you actually respect the “leadership” you celebrate. You’re just an ipcha mistavra. Reb Manis, who you seem to be on first-name basis with, has guided tens of thousands of baalei teshuvo. I’d say he’s more qualified in this area than your leadership – who are rabonim and not mashpiim. (although judging by your post, I’d guess that distinction is lost on you. )

    I only pray that Reb Manis does not let this and other nastiness slow him down in his holy work of bringing yidden closer to HaShem and to the rebbes teachings.

    Reb Manis, alei v’hatzlach!!!!!


    The asifa was not about banning the internet. It was all about filtering. If you don’t know about youth as well as adults who are involved in watching filth on the internet, then get educated or get out of denial. I know of several CH kids who stumbled onto sites, and are hooked now.

    I am proud that Rabbis Osdoba and Segal had the guts and foresight to attend the aifa, afterall we are unfortunately not immune from the virus.

    Yes, we need to learn Chassidus to make us strong and holy as Rabbi Manis Friedman states, but we are not all there yet. Thus we need the protection in the form of filters or anything else that makes sense.

  • To Number 15

    Can I just say that NO.15,s comment was absolutely amazing! I was blown away! I think he had the guts to stand up and say what SO many of us in the Chabad world feel, think and wish for, but wont dare voice out loud; I agree 100% with everything he wrote, and he made so much sense and above all he was real, sincere and honest about the whole situation that he wrote about; Yes, the other frum communities do have their ‘chasronus’ and certain things we may not agree with etc, and yes, they do and can behave in ways that we may critisize and condemn; but lets be honest here, fellow Chabadniks . . can we honestly say about ourselves today, and where we are unfortunately in the world today, that we, as Chabad are who and what we should really be today?? Can you really hold your head up high about who we in Lubavitch are today?? Take a look, an honest look, around you, and see what many of us, our youngsters, our youth , have r”l become , and then tell me, if you’re still proud??
    Kudos to whoever it was that wrote all that, unfortunately he is so right

  • Milhouse

    #14 is the sheigetz “yes”, again with his contempt for “zekeinecho veshoftecho”. The Mishneh says that “talmidei chachomim kol zman shemazkinim daaton misyasheves aleihen”, but “yes” doesn’t believe that. Tell me yes, what did you think about the Rebbe? He was pretty old too. Did you have the same contempt for him? Or were you not even around then? Why don’t you go back to wherever you came from and stop pretending to be a Lubavitcher?