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Picture of the Day: Hakeem Jeffries Gets JCC Support

Rabbi Eli Cohen and Chanina Sperlin of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council were spotted in this photograph at a support rally for Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat who is launching a bid for congress against 30-year incumbent and fellow Democrat Ed Towns. In is speech, Jeffries swore to defend President Obama, stand up against the Republican party, bring more section-8 housing to the district and secure more funding for the public school system. [Update: Video added.]

Video: Freeda Gives ‘Jew in the City’ a Makeover

Crown Heights [CHI] — Have you ever heard of ‘What Not to Wear’ and ‘Extreme Makeover,’ where a deserving person wins a whole new look? Well, Freeda Wigs staged the first fully tznius makeover ever, surprising internet personality Allison Josephs of ‘Jew in the City’ with a complete makeover. In the video, Allison discusses the importance of this mitzvah and makes mention of the Rebbe’s special connection to Freeda. Look out for the suprise at the end of the video!

New Brooklyn Missionary Hub to Target Lubavitchers

Jewish Voice

An artist’s rendering of the forthcoming ‘Hebrew Christian’ missionary center in the heart of Flatbush, Brooklyn.

“Hasidic Jews are dedicated members of the Jewish community who are unreached with the Gospel. It is our hope and prayer that we might touch their lives through the new Messianic Center in Brooklyn.” Thus reads a statement on the website of the Chosen People Ministries, a prominent “Messianic Jewish” organization that is in the midst of renovating a building on Coney Island Avenue and Avenue P in the heart of Flatbush, Brooklyn, with one primary purpose – to serve as a base that will target the area’s large Orthodox Jewish community for recruitment to its services, and ultimately for conversion to its decidedly non-Jewish beliefs.

Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: Mrs. Pesha Leah Klein, OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Pesha Leah Klein of Jerusalem. She is survived by her children: R’ Menachem Klein, Chief Rabbi of Frankfurt, Germany; Gita Karp, Jerusalem; R’ Yankel Klein, Postville, IA; R’ Moshe Klein, Sofer in Crown Heights; R’ Chaim Klein, Johannesburg, South Africa and Shaindy Shapira, Ashdod, Israel.

“It Is Forbidden for Anyone to Buy or Read This Book”

by Jacob Immanuel Schochet

Rabbi Dr. Jacob Immanuel Schochet

Greeting and blessing. Regarding the recent controversy surrounding a book released by Shmuley Boteach entitled ‘Kosher J’ I am writing this letter to express my authoritative view in response to those who have sought my opinion on this matter.

New ‘Torah in 10’ Video Series Launched

By Esther Ita Hirschhorn

Kol Menachem is excited and proud to announce the launch of a video series in response to the critical acclaim of Rabbi Chaim Miller’s new Lifestyle Prayers for Friday Night companion. The overwhelming and moving feedback from readers across the globe has inspired this new venture.