New Teacher’s Training Program Launched

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article discussing the current prevailing trend in education: the focus on training teachers, re-approaching educators from within, to effect change at the core of the educational system.

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Life’s Work Is a Talmud Accessible to All Jews

By Isabel Kershner for the New York Times

JERUSALEM — In the 1960s, when a young Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz embarked on the mammoth task of translating the ancient Jewish texts of the Talmud into modern Hebrew and, even more daringly, providing his own commentary alongside those of the classical sages, the state of Israel was still in its teens, there were no home computers, and man had not yet landed on the moon.

With Brand-New Dome Tomsk Synagogue Fully Restored

RUSSIA [FJC] — In the west Siberian city of Tomsk, the historic synagogue has been completely restored and it has been crowned with a new dome. The Jewish community of Tomsk has been awaiting the rejuvenation of their synagogue for nearly a decade.

Sicha of the Rebbe – Parshas Vayishlach

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion Hashem (G-d) tells Yakov Avinu (Jacob our Forefather) that his name would no longer be called “Yakov” (Jacob), it would now be called “Yisroel” (Israel).

2. As the preface to a question, the Rebbe now quotes the Talmud which discusses this verse:

The Talmud tells us that whoever calls our Forefather Avraham “Avram” (which was his original name), transgresses on the verse, “And your name shall no longer be called ‘Avram’; it shall henceforth be called ‘Avraham’ ”.

The Talmud then goes on to ask, “Why does this rule not also apply to Yakov Avinu? Why is it that we can still call Yakov Avinu “Yakov” even after Hashem told him, “No longer will your name be Yakov, but Yisroel will be your name”?

Crime of Silence – Passivity Vs Political Correctness

by Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, FL

“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict… (Dorothy Thompson).”

“In this very real world, good doesn’t drive out evil. Evil doesn’t drive out good. But the energetic displaces the passive (William Bernbach).”

Having become increasingly committed to Torah Judaism, a woman once lamented in bemusement: “Rabbi, will my moral conflicts ever end? I had hoped, in embracing Judaism, to no longer struggle with issues of moral substance.” After all, is that not what Judaism is about? Yet, it had not turned out that way in the least,” she proceeded in exasperation, “To the contrary; my struggles have become considerably amplified.”