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Mazal Tov's View More

Op-Ed: A Rov is not Subject to Public Opinion

Recently there appeared an article on one of the websites, suggesting (and seemingly tying to pressure) Rabbi Rosenberg, to change his Psak, and make a “tryout period” from the third Rov of the Bais Din of Crown Heights – Kan Tziva Hashem es Habrocho.

The writer does bring up some good points, on the shortness of time being given to the community, to get to know the candidates. There most certainly should have been more time, no one is disputing that, and an Op-ed by Yitzchak Wagshul to that affect was published some time back.

But the medicine (a tryout period), the writer is suggesting, is way worse then, the disease (not enough time).

Booklet: Use Your Own Judgement

Dear Crown Heights Resident,

On Sunday, the 26th of Elul the community will be electing a third Rov to serve on the Bais Din or Crown Heights.

Since this election and the preceding ‘campaign’ is very different than most elections, in that a) the appointment is a lifetime appointment; and b) candidates would generally not promote themselves or their agendas (which should seemingly be identical), a group of community members requested comments from prominent Rabbonim and Mashpi’im regarding the issues at hand.

Runaway Election Committee – ‘Meet the Rov’ Canceled

When a group within the elections committee decided to make decision on their own, the absurd idea of having a ‘Meet the Rabbonim’ meeting was hatched, thinking that this is some kind of political election in which you need to meet a candidate, similar to that of the Vaad Hakohol. A late night notice officially canceled the event.