OT Announces Man of the Year for the Upcoming Dinner

Educational Institute Oholei Torah, will be celebrating its 55th Annual Dinner on February 21st, 2010, 7 Adar 5770.

This year will be an unprecedented event, with many of the Honorees from across America coming together to rally in support of Oholei Torah, and the vital educational services it provides the children and Talmudical students from Chabad Lubavitch communities around the Globe.

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Crown Heights Father of Nine Needs A Kidney Transplant

A long-time resident of Crown Heights and father of 9 children is in desperate need of a kidney transplant to keep him alive. His kidneys are failing and has been on dialysis for two and half years now. If you are in good health and blood type A or O you may be “the one” to give him a new lease on life.

Agriprocessors State Child Labor Trial Set for May

By Trish Mehaffey for KCRG-TV
Sholom Rubashkin, his father Aaron Rubashkin (pictured), and several other former employees of Agriprocessors; all child labor charges.

A trial has been set for May 4 on the 9,211 state child labor charges against Agriprocessors and some former employees.

The trial, to be held in Black Hawk County District Court, was discussed today during a status hearing and is expected to last three weeks. The charges were filed in Allamakee County, but First Judicial District Judge Nathan Callahan is assigned to Black Hawk County, so he proposed moving the hearings and trial to that county.

Daring Escape Video – Inmate Escape Caught on Tape

STATEN ISLAND [WABC] — A suspect who escaped during a prisoner transfer outside a police precinct made a run for the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, where he was promptly caught.

The man was being moved out of the 120th Precinct to a waiting Corrections Department van when managed to escape.

Holocaust Museum Shooter Dies in Prison Hospital

FOX News
James von Brunn

The 89-year-old man charged with a deadly shooting at Washington’s Holocaust museum died Wednesday in a prison hospital, authorities said.

At Butner federal prison in North Carolina, spokeswoman Denise Simmons announced that James von Brunn died shortly before 1 p.m. Wednesday.

Photos: ULY Preschoolers Tour Hatzalah Ambulance

In honor of Chof Teves the Rambam’s Yahrtzeit, preschoolers of Crown Heights’ United Lubavitcher Yeshivah were taught the importance of living healthy B’gashmiyus U’beruchnius; and were treated to a friendly tour of the Hatzalah ambulance. The boys learned about the different functions of the ambulance, and how Hatzalah saves lives, just like the Rambam did so many years ago.

Bochurim at Moscow Yeshiva Tested in Basar Becholov

Moscow, RUSSIA [CHI] — Bochurim attending Zal in Yeshivas Chabad in Moscow were tested last week in the Halochos of Basar Becholov by Rabbi Yitzchok Yehuda Yeruslavsky, secretary of the Chabad Rabbinical Court in Israel.

Meetings Bring Jewish Young Professionals Together

By Tamar Runyan for Chabad.org
Attendees of the “Meeting Place,” a no-holds-barred Jewish exploration group in Moscow, find that it gives them the opportunity to find answers to their questions about their heritage. (Photo: Dmitry Mazur)

MOSCOW, Russia — Every other week, dozens of young professionals meet in a Jewish community center to discuss everything from dating and love to Shabbat and kosher dietary laws. The participants of the spiritually-tinged back-and-forth in Moscow’s Marina Roscha neighborhood consider it a miracle they’ve found each other.

T.E.A.M. to Offer Graduate Education Program in CH

by Yonit Tanenbaum

Mr. Eric Braunsteun (L) with Rabbi Nochum Kaplan.

A novel approach by an accredited, educational organization enables people with non-traditional educational backgrounds to qualify for graduate degrees. Graduate programs available in Crown Heights include tracks for: a Masters Degree in General Education, Business (M.B.A.), and Special Education. Some programs do not require the traditional Bachelor of Arts degree to enroll.