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The Rebbe Corresponds with U.S. Presidents

U.S. Presidents (L-R) George H. W. Bush, Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter.

In connection with this week’s Presidential inauguration, The Avner Institute would like to present glimpses of correspondences between the Rebbe and former U.S. presidents Johnson, Carter, and Bush senior. It’s an excerpt from the new Book on The Rebbe “The Rebbe Inspiring a Generation” Visit:

Siyum Sefer Torah at ‘The Minyan’ in Beis Menachem

MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — Last week Sunday, the 15th Teves, 11 January, ‘The Minyan; in Beis Menachem held a Siyum Sefer Torah. The writing of the Beis Menachem Communal Sefer Torah was started just over twelve months ago by the Sofer, Reb Uziyohu Brown, a local member of Anash. Following the attack on the Chabad House in Mumbai, the Committee decided that the Torah which was being dedicated to the Rebbe, would now also be dedicated in memory of his two Shluchim, Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg HYD and would be held as close to the Shloshim as possible.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (by Menachem Abrams)

US Judge Ordering Russia to Preserve Chabad Texts

Nathan Lewin (center) arguing Chabad’s claim against Russia before the Supreme Court in March last year.

WASHINGTON, DC [AP] — A federal judge is ordering Russia to preserve sacred religious documents that members of a Hasidic Jewish movement fear could be headed to the black market.

During a hearing Thursday, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth says he will finalize an order promptly telling Russia to protect the documents and return any that may already have been removed from the Russian State Military Archives.

UPDATE: Judge ruling in the Extended Article.

A Sicha from the Rebbe on Parshas Va’eira!

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion Hashem (G-d) tells the Jewish people that they are going to be redeemed from their unbearable exile in Egypt. Hashem first uses four descriptions of how He will redeem them- “I will transport you out”, “I will rescue you”, “I will redeem you”, and “I will take you out”. Hashem then uses a fifth description, “I will bring you to the land about which I have raised My hand to give it to Avraham (Abraham), Yitzchak (Isaac), and Yakov (Jacob)”.

2. The Rebbe now discusses the four descriptions of redemption, and the additional fifth:

It is well known that the four descriptions of redemption correspond to the four redemptions that the Jewish people had throughout history, beginning with our redemption from Egypt. Bearing this in mind we can understand that the fifth description corresponds to the final and complete redemption when Moshiach (the Messiah) will come and take us out of this exile with the third and final Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple).

Kosher Food for Visiting Executives in South Korea

Rabbi Osher Litzman inset and South Korean street in background

SEOUL, Korea — Prime Minister Han Seung-soo of South Korea extended thanks to Rabbi Osher and Mussy Litzman, directors of the recently-established Chabad-Lubavitch center in the East Asian nation, for their work in providing kosher food for Jewish business representatives attending last week’s Buy Korea 2009 expo.

Weekly Living Torah Rebbe Video! – Letter of Approbation!

This weeks Living Torah Rebbe video is ‘Letter of Approbation’. Remember, Living Torah is a member supported project. Become a member today at!

Also available with Hebrew, French, Russian and Spanish subtitles in the Extended Article.

New Shluchim To México

Rabbi Benny and Sonia (nee Rodal) Hershcovich of Crown Heights will IYH be leaving next month for Los Cabos, Mexico. They will be opening a Chabad House that will serve the local Jewish population and jewish travelers to the area.

The Hershkowitz family has recently returned from a pilot trip to Los Cabos, and is making final arrangements to open the Chabad House there. would like to wish the new Shluchim Hatzlocha Rabba on their Shlichus!

Chabad’s Winter Camp Offers Fun, Educational Winter Break Experience for Local Children

The campers of Chabad’s Winter Camp Gan Israel are pictured together with Camp directors Rabbi Pesach (left ) and Chana (far right) Burston.

GOSHEN, NY [CHI] — Chabad’s Winter Camp, Camp Gan Israel, recently completed its fourth successful year with over fifty campers ages 5-12 attending from throughout the county. “It’s an innovative idea,” says camp director, Chana Burston, who co-directs Chabad of Orange County with her husband, Rabbi Pesach. “Kids are home and many parents are working. In this economy it’s harder to travel – Chabad’s Winter Camp offers a week of creative fun and Jewish education during the winter school break.

Agriprocessors Chicken Production Up

The Jewish Week

POSTVILLE, IA – Chicken production at Agriprocessors, the embattled kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa, is now up to 20,000 daily — about one-third its previous output — and beef production is expected to soon resume.

Largest Hakhel Gathering for Bochurim

Like every year, Yeshivas from across America and beyond prepare to travel to the Rebbe’s chatzer for Yud Shevat. The growing number of Lubavitcher Bochurim is estimated at close to 2,000 from 40 different Yeshivas.

For the fifth year now, the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim has announced the “Kinus Hatmimim Haolami”. The International Conference of Tmimim and Farbrengen.

Op-Ed: The People’s President

by Getzy Markowitz – Jewish Thought in Simple Words

As an observant Jew I do not study scripture, but rather I try to live by it, using the word of G-d as a script for life. In that sense I am a slave. This week’s biblical portion tells the story of my people prior to our redemption from Egypt.

Today, I witnessed the freedom of a people embodied in the ascension of one man to the single most powerful position on earth. The new leader of the free world is the son of people the world has been cruel to. A man who long ago would have been judged by the color of his skin has been elected to deliver on the promise of his character. It is a great day for America, and for all Americans, whether or not they voted for President Obama.

Rabbi Eckstein of the IFCJ to Aids CIS Jews

MOSCOW, Russia [FJC] — The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) has announced the creation of a special 10.5 million dollar fund for the Jewish community in Russia and the CIS countries, which is aimed at supplementing social assistance system.