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World’s only Menorah Fire Truck Parade in Gaithersburg

From Left to Right, President of the RVFD Eric Bernard and Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum in front of the Menorah Fire Truck.

GAITHERSBURG, MD [CHI] — The world’s only Menorah Fire Truck Parade took place this past Monday night in Gaithersburg Maryland.

The Rockville Volunteer Fire Department, in conjunction with Chabad of Upper Montgomery County, paraded through Gaithersburg on Monday, December 22, the second night of Chanukah, The parade included a three foot Menorah perched on the front of Rescue Engine 3, four chief vehicles an ambulance,two fire engines
and a DJ van blaring Chanukah tunes.

In Mumbai, a Festival of Light Rekindles Jewish Hope

MUMBAI, India [CNN] — Hundreds gathered in the Indian city of Mumbai on Thursday to commemorate the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and honor the memories of the rabbi, his wife and others who were killed in terror attacks last month on a Jewish center and other locations.

Chanukah in Whistler Mountain Resort

WHISTLER, BC, Canada [CHI] — Whistler mountain ski resort is one of the most famous ski resorts in the world. Thousand s of jews from around the world visit especially during the vacation season. Lubavitch BC sent shluchim to the mountain, and they met with hundreds of jewish people from around the world. The talmidei hashluchim were very successful in distributing Menorahs, sufganiyot and Chanukah inspiration to Hundreds of people.

Car Slams Into Building Hosting Chanukah Wonderland, Injuring at least 15

WOODMERE, NY [CHI] — reporting from the scene: At least fifteen people are injured after a car slammed into a building, running over many children and adults. Including a one and a half year old baby, who is among the more seriously injured. The vehicle ended up at about 30 feet inside the building.

At about 2:45pm an 78-year-old man lost control of his car. Slamming it through a plate glass window and driving straight into the building at 1052 Broadway in Woodmere, where the Chabad of Five Towns was hosting its “Chanukah Wonderland” workshop and funhouse.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Beautiful Chanukah Lighting Gathering in Uruguay

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay [CHI] — Tuesday, the third night of Chanukah. Hundreds of men women and children joined by His Excellency Don Yoel Barnea, the Israeli ambassador to Uruguay and other communal and national dignitaries, to light the public Menorah along the boardwalk of Montevideo. The band of the National Police Band played Jewish melodies, while clowns and famous soccer players entertained the many children gathered for the special Hakhel gathering. After the public lighting, there was a special Chanukkah BBQ for youth where more than 50 students attended and ‘farbrenged’ until the wee hours of the morning. Both activities where beautiful and a big Kidush Hashem.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Group Uses Bumper Cars, Candles to Celebrate Chanukah

Jim Waymer – Florida Today

CAPE CANAVERAL, FL — Bumper cars collided nearby as Seymour Baum, a Holocaust survivor, lit the first candle on a melting menorah carved from ice.

Rabbi Zvi Konikov said Baum was “a living miracle.” Then, he talked about a miracle long ago that kept one cruse of oil burning for eight days. And he said miracles can still happen today.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Hakahel Gathering in Bnos Menachem

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — In honor of shnas hakhel, the students of Bnos Menachem, from pre nursery through 12th grade, held a grand hakhel on the first day of Chanukah. The inspiring program featured the 12 pesukim, a beautiful video, as well as spirited singing and dancing.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Chief of Police Baker Lights the Alexandria City Menorah

Alexandria Times

ALEXANDRIA, VA — This past Sunday, the annual Chanukah Festival, which was sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington, took place in Old Town at J&J Oriental Rug Gallery.

This year’s festival was dedicated to the victims of the Mumbai terror attacks, especially Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, the Chabad emissaries to Mumbai.

Prime Minister of Canada joined the 20th Annual Menorah Lighting in Calgary Alberta

ALBERTA, Canada [CHI] — In honor of the 20th anniversary of Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper joined the Head Shluchim of Alberta – Rabbi Menachem and Rochel Matusof as well as the Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch including regional Shluchim from across the country at the 20th Annual Community Menorah Lighting in the City Hall Atrium of Calgary, Alberta.

NOW LIVE: Global Chanukah Hakhel Rally!

LIVE: In the spirit of Hakhel and in loving memory of the Rebbe’s Shluchim and all those who perished in the attacks in Mumbai, a global Chanukah Hakhel rally is taking place and is being broadcasted live over the internet!

Click Here to tune into the Broadcast!

Lighting the Menorah in Mumbai

MUMBAI, India [CHI] — In front of the eyes of the world media the delegation to India lit the 5th light of the Chanukah menorah in front of the destroyed Chabad house in an emotional ceremony flowed by the heartwarming singing of Haneiros Halalu.

More pictures and a video in the Extended Article!