Chief of Police Baker Lights the Alexandria City Menorah

Alexandria Times

ALEXANDRIA, VA — This past Sunday, the annual Chanukah Festival, which was sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington, took place in Old Town at J&J Oriental Rug Gallery.

This year’s festival was dedicated to the victims of the Mumbai terror attacks, especially Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, the Chabad emissaries to Mumbai.

“Tonight we vow to counter that senseless hate with unconditional love,” said Rabbi Mordechai Newman, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington. “The flame of the Chanukah Menorah flickering in the darkness of the cold night symbolizes Chanukah’s bold message to never give up knowing that in the end, light is stronger than darkness and good will prevail over evil.”

More than 250 people listened as Alexandria Police Chief David Baker addressed the enthusiastic crowd and then was honored with lighting the six-foot high Menorah. Following the kindling, the crowd joined together in singing some Chanukah songs followed by free Latkes (hot potato pancakes) and jelly doughnuts.

Chanukah is highlighted by the kindling of the Menorah each night of the holiday. “It is a holiday that enriches our lives with the light of tradition,” Newman said. “In ancient times our ancestors rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem with the Menorah. Today, we rededicate ourselves to making this world a better and brighter place.”