“Henry Hudson” Historic Menorah in NYS Capital – Playing Draydel on the Assembly Floor

ALABNY, NY [CHI] — Albany’s Maimonides School presented New York State with a historic “Henry Hudson Halfmoon” Menorah they crafted, launching a statewide 400 celebration since the famous explorer discovered the Hudson River in his “Halfmoon” boat in 1609.

Dressed in period Dutch costume, the student delegation was honored to present their unique Menorah atop the House Speaker’s podium. The students were also allowed to play a game of Draydel in the Legislative Chamber on the Assembly floor.

Henry Hudson had ventured up the tidal basin that now bears his name trying to find a route to the Orient, but his navigation ended at today’s Albany.

In the Hu dson spirit, Maimonides is having a grand Hakhel “All in the same boat!” Communal “Chanukah Cruise” party Tues. Dec 23, 3rd Night of Chanukah with a Chinese Auction that can be viewed and buy prize packages at www.maimonidesauction.com . “Your entry supports quality Jewish education in a small community where, like the little cruse of oil, a little goes a long way, and the winning odds are greater,” said Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, the area shliach.

As a NYS Welcome Center, Maimonides serves visiting Jewish classes from across the Northeast. Student itineraries include the Capital, the State Museum, the Halfmoon replica and Saratoga Revolutionary war Battlefields.

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