Hundreds turn out for the Levaya of Chana Wolvovsky OBM

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Hundreds turned out this Sunday afternoon to escort Mrs. Chana (nee Raskin) Wolvovsky OBM, who was taken from us after a terrible illness at an extremely young age. The tears, stunned looks and shock kept most of those who attended the Levaya standing around for a while after the Levaya had passed.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

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Picture! The Shluchim & Shluchos on Campus!

<%popup(20080713-coc-men-group-lrg.jpg|1560|588|Click Here to enlarge this picture!)%>
<%popup(20080713-coc-woman-group-lrg.jpg|1600|700|Click Here to enlarge this picture!)%>

The following pictures were taken at the International Kinus of Campus Shluchim. The convention took place in the Hudson Valley Resort in Kerhonkson, NY.

A gallery of pictures and a full report of the event will soon follow.

The Rebbe Gives a Reason for hardship in Running Mosdos and Business

Rabbi Sholom Mendel Simpson, who served as the Rebbes mazkir [secretary], gave out a special Teshura at the wedding of his grandson R. Shmuli Simpson from Crown Heights who married Goldie Chazdan from South Africa. In the Tesura the Rebbe gave answers to individuals and Mosdos.

In one letter the Rebbe explained to an Askan what the reason his Mosod was in big debt, and in a second reply the Rebbe explained a business man why he was having hardships in his business.

Published here on is the full Teshura.
Part One. — Part Two.

City jail’s Jewish Cons Host Rabbinical Students

Johanna Ginsberg – NJ Jewish News

Rabbinical student Chaim Gurary, 21, helps Charlie Smith, an inmate at Northern State Prison in Newark, put on tefillin. Gurary’s visit to the prison is part of a national outreach effort to Jewish prison inmates across the country by the Aleph Institute, a branch of Chabad Lubavitch.

NEWARK, NJ — For the first time since his bar mitzva, Charlie Smith, an inmate at Northern State Prison in Newark, put on tefillin on July 1.

“It was very special,” he told NJJN in an interview afterward. “I felt something I haven’t felt in years — a deeper connection to my faith and my heritage I haven’t felt in a long time.”

Boca Residents Unhappy About Chabad Plans In Neighborhood


Stock Image – Chabad House in Boca Raton

BOCA RATON, FL — Six homes could soon be demolished to make room for a new house of worship in Boca Raton.

Neighbors in the area aren’t happy about the plan to build the Chabad.

School Bells Silent, Jewish Camps Near and Far Entice With Outdoor Fun

By Yanky Nemon

For the children at Camp Gan Israel in South Padre Island, Texas, summer fun means jet skis and deep-sea fishing.

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TX — Those long sultry days are back, and with school out for the season, millions of American children are fully enmeshed in summer fun. But aside from the outings to the arcade or neighborhood pool, more and more, children and parents are rediscovering camp – that quintessential youth activity of yesteryear – to be just the place to spend the summer.

Stolen Torahs Mystify Police, Congregations

Stock Photo – Shliach Rabbi Yosef Landa looks inside an ark where a stolen Torah was kept.

KANSAS CITY, MO [AP] — A Torah scroll valued at about $30,000 reported stolen from a St. Louis-area synagogue is 1 of a handful of Torah scrolls stolen in the past year in the United States.

No one seems certain of a motive, but speculation includes a hate crime or selling the sacred documents on the black market, according to The Kansas City Star.

Rikers Guard Accused in Cop-Killer’s Escape Plot


Rikers Island, with the accused corrections officer Kadessha Mulgrav inset

NEW YORK , NY — A jail guard is under investigation for allegedly trying to help an accused cop-killer escape from prison.

The Rikers Island officer slipped a handcuff key to Lee Woods, one of three men charged with killing Brooklyn police officer Russel Timoshenko, according to the Daily News.

Tragedy – Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Mrs. Chana Wolvovsky OBM

With profound sadness, shock and deep pain we inform you of the very tragic and untimely passing, after a terrible illness r”l, of Mrs. Chana Wolvovsky (nee Raskin) of Crown Heights, wife of Shmuel Wolvovsky and daughter of Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim, Arik and Raya Raskin.

The Levaya will take place today, Sunday and will be leaving the Shomrei Hadas Chapel at around 1:30pm and passing by 770 at around 2:30pm.

Baruch Dayan Hoemes