
Rikers Island, with the accused corrections officer Kadessha Mulgrav inset

NEW YORK , NY — A jail guard is under investigation for allegedly trying to help an accused cop-killer escape from prison.

The Rikers Island officer slipped a handcuff key to Lee Woods, one of three men charged with killing Brooklyn police officer Russel Timoshenko, according to the Daily News.

Rikers Guard Accused in Cop-Killer’s Escape Plot


Rikers Island, with the accused corrections officer Kadessha Mulgrav inset

NEW YORK , NY — A jail guard is under investigation for allegedly trying to help an accused cop-killer escape from prison.

The Rikers Island officer slipped a handcuff key to Lee Woods, one of three men charged with killing Brooklyn police officer Russel Timoshenko, according to the Daily News.

Woods swallowed the key but was caught by a jailhouse metal detector before he had a chance to use it.

The officer is also under investigation for sneaking Woods a Sim card – a portable memory chip for a cell phone, sources told the News.

Woods will be searched three times a day and has been stripped of his belongings.


  • Anonim



    Where did she get this name? Was she abandoned in a cemetery and found by a Chevra Kadisha volunteer?

  • Echad Manash

    why is this even posted here? there is no shaychus to anash & nothing that either helps us, benefits us or even hurts us. just because the officer happened to be in the 71 pct makes it news to us etc??? focus on the issues & events that are shayach to us!For example how about listing the times & places of shiurim in our neighborhood??? that is news that we can use!!!

  • M.G.

    why would anyone, let alone a prison guard attempt to help a murderer escape from jail? I am shocked beyond belief.