<%popup(20080713-coc-men-group-lrg.jpg|1560|588|Click Here to enlarge this picture!)%>

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The following pictures were taken at the International Kinus of Campus Shluchim. The convention took place in the Hudson Valley Resort in Kerhonkson, NY.

A gallery of pictures and a full report of the event will soon follow.

Picture! The Shluchim & Shluchos on Campus!

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<%popup(20080713-coc-woman-group-lrg.jpg|1600|700|Click Here to enlarge this picture!)%>

The following pictures were taken at the International Kinus of Campus Shluchim. The convention took place in the Hudson Valley Resort in Kerhonkson, NY.

A gallery of pictures and a full report of the event will soon follow.

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