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The Weekly Comic! – Haftora Parshas Shelach!
This week at the Nemenov-Laufer wedding in Crown Heights, a special souvenir was handed out to guests, a disc with rare video clips of the Rebbe never seen before.
The video is blurry, but you can see the Rebbe in the early 1960’s davening in the small “zal” upstairs in 770, distributing kos shel bracha Motzoei Shavuos 1960 and distributing at the entrance to his room.
More videos in the Extended Article!
SARATOV, Russia — A crowd of 550 Jewish community members, businesspeople and government officials packed a Saratov, Russia, municipal hall to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Volga River port’s Chabad-Lubavitch center.
Shoshana Capland will be sitting shiva after the passing of her mother Chaya Sara OBM.
At 686 Montgomery St, [between Kingston and Albany Ave].
She will be there till Tuesday.
Condolences can be called in, at (718) 467-6035.
Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.
SOLON, OH — A plan by the Chabad Jewish Center of Solon, 5570 Harper Road, to build a mikvah (ceremonial bath) was approved Monday (June 16) by City Council.
The mikvah, in the form of a house, will be located in a residential area on Cannon Road just north of the Chabad center.
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — They are 18 boys, all local, from different schools, but mainly from ‘Darchei Menachem’, they are “The Sparks”. Lately, aside from their singing and voice coaching, they are also learning to play various musical instruments as part of their act on stage.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
This weeks edition of the Crown Heights Newspaper, available for print.
The Rebbe says:
1. In this week’s Torah portion Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher) sends twelve spies (twelve “Miraglim”) to examine the Land of Canaan (which would later be called the Land of Israel).
When the twelve spies returned from inspecting the land, ten of the spies reported to Moshe Rabbeinu and the entire assembly of the Jewish people that the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan were too strong for the Jewish people to conquer. The Talmud tells us that these spies were even saying that the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan are stronger then Hashem (G-d) and “even the householder (Hashem) cannot remove his utensils from there (because the Canaanites are stronger then He)”!
The Jewish people got very frightened by this report and complained by saying, “We should have stayed in Egypt; even if we would have died there our wives and children would not have been taken captive! Let us return to Egypt!”.
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Thursday, Bochurim from Oholei Torah Mesivtah went with their Rosh Yishivah Rabbi Zushe Willhelm to get tested by Reb Gavriel Tziner, the famous author of the sefer ‘Nitei Gavriel’. The bucrim were tested on the entire Mesechta Bava Basra, which they were learning through the year by heart.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
BRYANSK, Russia — For the first time ever since the onset of Soviet power in the USSR, a traditional Jewish wedding is taking place in the Russian border city of Bryansk. This event is not only a life-altering moment for Nachum and Ilana, but also a joyous occasion for the entire Jewish community of Bryansk.
The big event took place in one of the city’s best restaurants, where a Chuppa and more than 100 guests met the young couple. The ceremony was led by chief Rabbi of Bryansk Menachem Mendel Zaklos, as the crowd looked on with great interest and heartfelt emotion.
LOS ANGELES, CA [CHI] — Tuesday, the 29th of Iyar, saw the entire Anash of Los Angeles, CA gather at Cheder Menachem, the Chabad Elementary boys school for the annual Chayolei Tzivos Hashem Grand Expo.
When establishing Tzivos Hashem in 5741 (1980), the Rebbe mapped out an action plan how one is to conquer the Yetzer Horah; by learning from our Avos (our forefathers; Avraham Yitzchok, Ya’akov & Dovid HaMelech). It was therefore decided that the theme of this year’s Expo would focus on some of the many traits that they exemplified.
A Canadian television producer with a Ph.D. in Jewish philosophy is developing a curriculum for the Jewish Leadership Program at the Lauder Business School in Vienna, Austria, following his appointment as the school’s Rohr Chair of Jewish Studies.