Young Teen Struck by a Car

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A young teen was struck by a car while crossing an Eastern Parkway service lane. The incident took place Thursday afternoon at around 3:00pm between Albany and Kingston Avenues.

A staff member from the Darchai Menachem school who is also a Shomrim member witnessed how the 14 year old teen, who was not Jewish, darted out from in between two parked cars and a passing car, driven by a Hispanic, attempted to stop but couldn’t and ran over the teen.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

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Children Unite for their Father’s Birthday!

This Yud Aleph Nissan, thousands of children will gather in front of 770!

From 10:00 am – 11:30 am, come take part in an inspiring celebration:

– A Tzivos Hashem rally and Farbrengen!
– Story-presentation by famed storyteller Yitzi Erps!
– Music & Niggunim by Chony Milecki, Yehuda Piamenta & Berel Zucker!


Traveling Matza Bakery Reaches Over 2,000 Children

BOCA RATON, FL [CHI] — The traveling Matzah Bakery is a hands-on fun learning experience led by Rabbi Shmuly G. Beginning with an animated introduction about Pesach, the children get right into the Pesach spirit and go to the “field” to pick their very own wheat stalk. They roll, mash, and crush the wheat stalk to separate the kernels from the shaf. The kernels are placed into a grinder and each child has a turn to grind the kernels and sift the flour.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Metzora – Skin off Your Own Back!

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

The custom in our Shul is to read a short meditation each morning, upon the conclusion of services. It was the following thought, in the name of the holy Baal Shemtov, that elicited a rather fervent debate:

“Your fellow is your mirror. If your own face is clean, so will be the image you perceive. But should you look upon your fellow and see a blemish, it is your own imperfection that you are encountering – you are being shown what it is that you must correct within yourself.”

“Does this mean that we can never perceive evil or wrongdoing without implicating ourselves?” protested a thoughtful and generally soft-spoken congregant. “I find this troubling!”

“What about Osama Binladin or Achmadinidjad? Is the recognition of their brutal and inhumane conduct reflective of one’s own wickedness and terrorist propensities? With all due respect, this makes no sense to me.”

Addiction Treatment Center Brings Spirituality to Recovery

By Reuvena Leah Grodnitzky

Rabbi Benyamin Bresinger, director of Chabad Project Pride-Centre Lifeline in Montreal, Canada, counsels clients suffering from a variety of addictions.

MONTREAL, Canada — For almost 20 years, an addiction crisis center in Montreal, Canada, has provided counseling, family support, financial assistance, intervention, education and aftercare to clients with any type of addiction. What makes the center unique is its spiritual focus: The institution, Chabad Project Pride-Centre Lifeline is a full-fledged Chabad House.

PIcture of the Day – The Rebbe Winter of 1967

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The Rebbes studying in his room in the winter of 1967. From the new book on the Rebbe “The Rebbe Inspiring a Generation” to see more on the book visit

Unbelievable Winter Z’Man at YNS – Rabbi O’s

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TZFAS, Israel [CHI] — Emotions and feelings of the bochurim, shluchim and staff at YNS Tzfas were running high at the conclusion of the winter zman. Rabbi Orimland, Rosh HaYeshiva, noted that over twenty five Siyumim were made at the yeshiva on different Mesechtas of Gemorah during the zman.

Video of the Day – Follow Your Pedigree

This weeks Living Torah, titled “Follow Your Pedigree” (Volume 47, Episode 187)

Living Torah is a member supported project Become a member today at

Available in Hebrew, French and Russian in the Extended Article.

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Metzora

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion the laws of Niddah are discussed.

2. The Rebbe now analyzes the external aspect of Niddah:

The reason why the blood of Niddah causes Tumah (ritual impurity) can be understood according to the Talmud which states that the blood of Niddah is part of the ten curses which Chava (Eve) was cursed with when she sinned with the Tree of Knowledge in Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden).

From this we see that the natural creation of woman did not include this blood of Niddah; only because of the sin of the Tree of Knowledge did this begin. Therefore, being that this blood comes from a sin, and not just any sin, but a sin which is the source for all future sins, this blood is Tumah.

Recovering Addicts to Attend Sober Passover Seders Nationwide

By Tamar Runyan

Grape juice replaces wine at a Sober Seder run by the Friedman Chabad Center and Shul in Los Angeles. (File photo: Uriah Ohana)

LOS ANGELES, CA — Besides the eating of matzah, the Passover Seder is characterized by the drinking of four cups of wine. But more than 100 people attending a Seder next week in Los Angeles will not let even a drop of low-alcohol sacramental wine from passing their lips.

Conservative Synagogue Revived as Chabad Shul

FOREST HILLS, NY [CHI] — Chabad of the Gardens- Forest Hills, NY, is proud to announce that as of Friday Evening, March 28th 2008, the “Kew Gardens Anshe Sholom Jewish Center” has adapted a new identity and is now: Anshe Sholom Chabad. Located at: 82-52 Abingdon Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415-1339, The corner of Abingdon Road and 83rd Avenue.

Lev Leviev Visits Uzbekistan

Ruslan Karakash – The Bukharian Times

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan — More than 100 members of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews, headed by its President Lev Leviev, have arrived in Tashkent. The high-profile guests were met at the airport by Israel Ambassador Avi Miel and representatives of the Bukharian Jewish community in Uzbekistan.