This Yud Aleph Nissan, thousands of children will gather in front of 770!

From 10:00 am – 11:30 am, come take part in an inspiring celebration:

- A Tzivos Hashem rally and Farbrengen!
- Story-presentation by famed storyteller Yitzi Erps!
- Music & Niggunim by Chony Milecki, Yehuda Piamenta & Berel Zucker!

Children Unite for their Father’s Birthday!

This Yud Aleph Nissan, thousands of children will gather in front of 770!

From 10:00 am – 11:30 am, come take part in an inspiring celebration:

– A Tzivos Hashem rally and Farbrengen!
– Story-presentation by famed storyteller Yitzi Erps!
– Music & Niggunim by Chony Milecki, Yehuda Piamenta & Berel Zucker!

The Yud Aleph Nissan Rally is a project of Tzivos Hashem, the N.C.F.J.E. & the Schools of Crown Heights

Children in Crown Heights schools will reserve seating through their schools. For all other group bookings, please call Shimmy at (718) 907-8858


  • local parent

    Tzivos Hashem is always ready to step up to the plate for our children!!

    thank you Tzivos Hashem!!

  • shluchim kids

    will there be a live hook up via the internet or otherwise for out of towners

  • A.H.

    Joe: for one thing, back in the day when communication among Chassidim in the Soviet Union and between them and the outside world was difficult and fraught with danger, they regularly used “Avinu” (“our father”) as a codename for the Rebbe.

    And in turn, this is a reflection of the fact that a Rebbe loves his chassidim as a father loves his children; the real question is whether we are acting reciprocally as we should.

  • to joe

    just like a father cares abous his children, the rebbe – our father- cares about all of us!