FOREST HILLS, NY [CHI] — Chabad of the Gardens- Forest Hills, NY, is proud to announce that as of Friday Evening, March 28th 2008, the “Kew Gardens Anshe Sholom Jewish Center” has adapted a new identity and is now: Anshe Sholom Chabad. Located at: 82-52 Abingdon Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415-1339, The corner of Abingdon Road and 83rd Avenue.

Conservative Synagogue Revived as Chabad Shul

FOREST HILLS, NY [CHI] — Chabad of the Gardens- Forest Hills, NY, is proud to announce that as of Friday Evening, March 28th 2008, the “Kew Gardens Anshe Sholom Jewish Center” has adapted a new identity and is now: Anshe Sholom Chabad. Located at: 82-52 Abingdon Road Kew Gardens, NY 11415-1339, The corner of Abingdon Road and 83rd Avenue.

Until recently “KGASJC” comprised of the only non-Orthodox/ Conservative congregation in Kew Gardens, affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, but with the decline in membership as well as additional burdens which took it’s toll, it could therefore no longer support a viable community on their own.

As of noon of February 3, 2008, the congregational constitution was changed so that KGASJC is now an Orthodox congregation. Chabad of the Gardens will now begin to run all programs on these premises, including all prayer services. The institutional name has changed as noted, the clergy has been replaced, and the services will be modified accordingly. With all the changes afoot it is important to stress that they have not closed their doors. They, as we, would like our synagouge and Jewish Community Center to continue to serve as a comfortable home for all people in which to celebrate and explore all aspects of their Judaism – spiritually, intellectually and socially.

This partnership has already culled up the emotions and excitment of hundreds and even thousands of Jews who will benefit from this new endeavor. Join us as we embark on this newly made partnership between us, as we bring a new wave of Jewish revivial in to our community. Please do join us and learn more about all of our exciting upcoming programs and events, including a summer camp, hebrew school, pre school, Adult education classes and a whole host of Jewish and cultural events. our Telephone number is: (718) 441-2470 our website and just “ASC what Chabad can do for you.”


  • moshe-s music is the best

    Rabbi Mordechai Z. Hecht – Rabbi

    Rabbi Moshe Hecht – Spirtual Mentor
    Go Moshe We Love you :)

    Keep up the good work, share the music.

    are you going to share your music in the new shul?