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Boruch Dayan HaEmes – Mrs Vita Pinson OBM

With tremendous sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs Menucha Vita Pinson OBM of Crown Heights (formerly Kfar Chabad) early this morning, she was 87.

She is survived by her sons R Nochum Yitzchock (California), R Menchem Mendel (Crown Heights), R Yosef (Crown Heights), R Tanchum (Kfar Chabad), R Baruch (Crown Heights) and her daughter Cherry Posner (Crown Heights).

The Levaya will be Motzoei Shabbos, leaving Shomrei Hadas at 8:30 PM, passing 770 at 9:00 PM and then will fly Israel where she will be buried next to her husband on Har Hazeitim.

Boruch Dayan HaEmes

Over 3500 Attend Kinus Hatmimim Haolami!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Over 3,500 Bochurim packed into the Rosa Hall in Beis Rivka Campus Chomesh for the 5th annual Kinus Hatmimim Haolami and Farbrengen in honor of Yud Shvat. The Kinus/Farbrengen is the main event in a long weekend packed with Shiurim, Farbrengens and more for Bochurim who come in from Yeshivos all over the world in Honor of Yud Shvat.

Many more pictures in the Extended Article! (91 Pictures)

Hit and Run on Eastern Parkway

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Bochur crossing Eastern Parkway and Albany Avenue was struck and knocked over by a car Thursday evening. The incident took place as the car turned onto Eastern Parkway and struck the Bochur in the crosswalk. The driver of the car stopped, got out and looked at the Bochur and without a word he got into his car and fled the scene.

Shocked and hurt the Bochur made his down Albany to Lubavitcher Yeshiva where he met others and told them what happened, they advised him to call Shomrim and see what they say.

Letter to Anash and Shluchim about Elana Kasle

10 Shvat, 5768

To all Shluchim and Anash,

Greetings and Blessings,

As many of you may know, Elana Leah Kasle, 18 year old daughter of Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Shaindel Kasle, from North Oak Park Michigan, was hit by a car several weeks ago. She was attending seminary in Florida and on that evening was working on winter camp. Although she has sustained life threatening injuries, and is presently in a coma, as a result of our Tefillos and good deeds in her merit, Boruch Hashem, Elana Leah has shown some improvements.

We have established organized Tehillim throughout our community. Many took upon themselves to finish Tehillim every week until Elana has a full recovery. Hundreds of men, women and Children took upon themselves to recite the Brocho of Asher Yutzar from a Siddur in the zechus of Elana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel, we distributed over two thousand wallet size Asher Yutzar cards to this point.

Rabbi intent on pursuing synagogue plans on Litchfield Green

George Krimsky – Rep-Am

LITCHFIELD, CT — Rabbi intent on pursuing synagogue plans on Litchfield Green. Chabad Lubavitch has no intention of abandoning its plan to convert an 1872 house here into a synagogue, despite the official rejection of its building plan.

Shluchim Farbreng in Honor of Yud Shevat

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — About forty Shluchim from the greater New York region came together for a farbrengen in honor of Yud Shevat. The head shliach to Long Island, Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, invited shluchim to the farbrengen held at the Jewish Children’s Museum.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Beshalach – Who Is Your Moshe?

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

A battery of devastating plagues, ten in total, worked wonders (no pun intended). They succeeded in shattering the resolve of the Egyptian tormenters; compelling them to release the Israelites from their evil clutches – ending thereby two harrowing centuries of exile and slavery.

Their sights now set on Sinai and the long awaited rendezvous with G-d, the Children of Israel were free at last – well on their way to a future of promise and reward. Or so it seemed.

Alas, in an unexpected turn of events, their hopes were dashed. The fledgling nation found itself, instead, caught between a rock and a hard place, or more accurately stated: between the extended swords of the advancing Egyptian army and the choppy waves of an unyielding sea.

New Video on the Rebbetzin Coming Soon

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — JEM is pleased to announce that in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, on the 22nd of Shevat a new DVD will be released. The DVD features interviews with Dr. Ira Weiss, Mrs. Leah Kahan, and numerous others who knew and interacted with the Rebbetzin.