10 Shvat, 5768

To all Shluchim and Anash,

Greetings and Blessings,

As many of you may know, Elana Leah Kasle, 18 year old daughter of Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Shaindel Kasle, from North Oak Park Michigan, was hit by a car several weeks ago. She was attending seminary in Florida and on that evening was working on winter camp. Although she has sustained life threatening injuries, and is presently in a coma, as a result of our Tefillos and good deeds in her merit, Boruch Hashem, Elana Leah has shown some improvements.

We have established organized Tehillim throughout our community. Many took upon themselves to finish Tehillim every week until Elana has a full recovery. Hundreds of men, women and Children took upon themselves to recite the Brocho of Asher Yutzar from a Siddur in the zechus of Elana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel, we distributed over two thousand wallet size Asher Yutzar cards to this point.

Letter to Anash and Shluchim about Elana Kasle

10 Shvat, 5768

To all Shluchim and Anash,

Greetings and Blessings,

As many of you may know, Elana Leah Kasle, 18 year old daughter of Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Shaindel Kasle, from North Oak Park Michigan, was hit by a car several weeks ago. She was attending seminary in Florida and on that evening was working on winter camp. Although she has sustained life threatening injuries, and is presently in a coma, as a result of our Tefillos and good deeds in her merit, Boruch Hashem, Elana Leah has shown some improvements.

We have established organized Tehillim throughout our community. Many took upon themselves to finish Tehillim every week until Elana has a full recovery. Hundreds of men, women and Children took upon themselves to recite the Brocho of Asher Yutzar from a Siddur in the zechus of Elana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel, we distributed over two thousand wallet size Asher Yutzar cards to this point.

We set up a conference call for women every evening, Sunday – Thursday at 10:00 PM for a Brief shiur in Inyonei Geula Umashiach followed with Tehillim. The number to call is 605 475 6000 access code 577291.

However, Elana’s condition remains extremely serious and we now need to put forth the greatest possible effort to draw down Birchas Hashem for her complete and speedy recovery.

Toward this goal, Dr. and Mrs. Kasle made a personal and heartfelt request that all of Anash bichlal and the Shluchim in particular, should strengthen their study and disseminating of Inyonei Geula Umashiach. To focus on the fact that Moshiach is a real concept that everyone can relate to, and to awaken in themselves and all those around them the Emunah peshuta in the coming of Moshiach.

To reach out to every Yid and bring to their attention the realization that Moshiach is here for every one of us and that he will connect with every Jew no matter where they are and where they affiliate themselves.

The Kasles have been so grateful to everyone for their Tefilos, extra learning, and good deeds done for Elana Leah until now. They are certain that this is what has gotten her this far, and believe that each good deed done in her merit will help Elana on her path to a complete and full recovery. Let us rally our forces to bring her back to her full strength and to a full and normal life.

With much appreciation,


Rabbi Shea Werner

Rav, Marah D’asra Kehillas Chabad North Oak Park Michigan

One Comment

  • Machon Le-horah - South Africa

    We will IY“H begin a shiur in Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach every day at ”Machon Le’horah” – the semicha program in South Africa – for Elana’s Refuah Shleima.