Editorial: Chabad Influence

Andrew Silow-Carroll – NJ Jewish News

A few months back I attended the inauguration ceremonies for Arnold Eisen, the new chancellor of the Conservative movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary. In a symposium preceding the main event, a distinguished panel of scholars discussed the future of the movement and American Judaism. Someone mentioned “Chabad,“ and the roomful of rabbis and professors broke out into knowing titters. Dr. Alan Cooper, the JTS provost, rode the titters into a wave of laughter when he repeated the old line: “Chabad is the religion closest to Judaism.”

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Video of the Day – the Weekly Living Torah Clip

This weeks Living Torah, titled “The Shlichus Needs You” (Volume 42, Episode 165).

Living Torah is a member supported project Become a member today at LivingTorah.org

Available in Hebrew, French and Russian in the Extended Article.

Cracking the Talmud, New Curriculum Solves 500-Year Conundrum

Rebecca Rosenthal – Lubavitch.com

BROOKLYN, NY — Chabad’s new curriculum is on its way to cracking the Talmudic code for yeshiva students and adult learners. This is part three in a Lubavitch.com series on Chabad’s new initiatives in education, social and religious outreach to be launched at the International Conference that formally opens today, at Lubavitch Headquarters in NY.

Seminars Workshops Start at Convention

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Seminars and workshops started at the Kinus today. In this gallery we have a session with Rabbi Baitelman of FridayLight.org, lecturing about managing finances. As well as some last minute registration and Shluchim congregating.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Toldos – To Whom Does The Progeny Belong?

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

Reb Mendel of Riminov once pointed upward and proclaimed, “This heaven that you behold with your very eyes, through skepticism it is possible to entirely deny, even prove its inexistence.”

Everyone these days seems to have an opinion about Chabad. On the one hand it is flattering that the once referred to as “sectarian” and “ultra” orthodox organization, to which I belong, has found its way into the minds and hearts of the broader Jewish community. It has even caught the attention of the non Jewish world.

On the other hand, some of the ideas ascribed to the movement – especially regarding its inexplicable success – are often distorted and perplexing. Equally baffling are the sources whence some of these critiques stem.

Jewish Book Month Event Speaks to the Heart

For the past eighty years, Jewish Book Month – a four-week long pre-Chanukah festival of books sponsored by the Jewish Book Council – has taken JCCs and other organizations by storm. It is the chance for authors, new and veteran, to tour the country and display their literary wares.

This past Wednesday in Monsey marked one of the first lectures to inaugurate this year’s celebrations. In a joint event of JCC of Rockland and Chabad of New City, Mrs. Sarah Karmely spoke about her new book Words to Hear With Your Heart: A Journal of Jewish Inspiration for Your Marriage, Your Soul, and Your Life, and her upcoming gift version, Thoughts to Hear with Your Heart: On Jewish Life and Inspiration.

Picture of the Day! The Rebbe Davening 1965!

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The Rebbe Davening Shacharis in the winter of 1965 Special Thanks Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum. Click here to see previous weeks pictures.

Cold Weather, Additional Protection and Lots of Warmth!

A police officer patrols Kingston on foot along side a mother and her child and a Shliach.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – With reports that temperatures will brush with the freezing point, Crown Heights streets are alive and buzzing. Shluchim from around the world began gathering yesterday for the annual International Conference of Shluchim.

Police have stepped up their patrols in order to secure the special guests, commanding office of the 71st Precinct Deputy Inspector Frank Vega told CrownHeights.info. But it wasn’t his word that we had to rely on. One car was posted on Union and Albany and two officers were seen patrolling on foot up and down that Avenue while a number of other foot patrols covered Kingston Avenue.

For the complete ten day weather forecast just scroll down to our weather information, or click the Extended Article!

Three-Year-Old Lights Up Ancient Tradition

Seth Mandel – The Jewish State

MONROE TOWNSHIP, NJ — Three-year-olds usually take small steps, but on her third birthday Matti Zaklikovsky — together with her family and the Monroe Jewish community — took a giant leap forward for Jewish continuity.

JLI Israel Mission 2007

In conjunction with The Land and The Spirit, JLI’s groundbreaking fall course about our unique connection to Israel, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute will be organizing The Land and The Spirit Mission to Israel. The tour, beginning March 23rd – 6th Adar II, will bring to life the inherent holiness of Eretz Yisroel as studied in the course. Shluchim and members of their communities will converge from all over the world for an inspiring, learning experience.

More info and flyer in the Extended Article!