<%popup(20071107-Toldos-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|643|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>

The Weekly Comic – Parshas Toldos

<%popup(20071107-Toldos-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|643|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>


  • S.Z.W.

    how come the duck is staring to be hidden?
    i want the duck to have a starring role!!!

    (cute comic!)

  • Luba

    Great I love this thing it is absalutly super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • normal

    1.to y.hecht wean he says cholent he means the red beans

    2.its very good that nobody said anything bad (so far)

    3.need more duck

    4.very very good one of your best


    p.s.5.if esav was such a great hunter wouldent he have insurance that would cover dentel???????

  • big fan

    the cholent refers to the pot of lentils that Eisav sold to yakov in exchange for his birthright.
    Very amusing comic as usual!

  • Someone

    I love these comics! i print them out every week for everyone to see, and they love it to. Keep them coming!!!

  • Zvi from Montreal

    One of the best!!! And least controversal ;)

    Love Eisav’s T-shirt.

    Perhaps it shouold read: I sold my birthright to Yaakov… And all I got were these lousy beans!