Friendship Circle Honored for Trendsetting Work With Children

Joshua Runyan –

Rabbi Levi and Bassie Shemtov address the Manhattan Institute upon accepting its Award for Social Entreprenurship.

NEW YORK, NY — The Manhattan Institute granted its prestigious Award for Social Entrepreneurship to Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Levi and Bassie Shemtov, founders of the trailblazing Friendship Circle, which pairs teenage volunteers with children with special needs in an effort to help those with developmental disabilities to eventually live independently.

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Is Starbucks Kosher? – Halachic Musings

Rabbi Yair Hoffman – Five Towns Jewish Times

Jews like coffee. The practice of Jews drinking coffee dates back well over a thousand years, since its exportation from the Arab city of Kefa. Its appearance in the responsa oeuvres of the Rishonim and Acharonim attests to the fact that it is a drink of Jews.1 The practice of coffee consumption continues until today with many Jews drinking coffee at that “cool” and “hip” number one coffee chain in America—Starbucks.

Jewish Community United Through Music, Food

Nicole Gernhardt and Margaret Miceli – The Daily Collegian

Gail Mayer (graduate-human development and family studies) hands kosher pizza to 2-year-old Shalom Ber Merets.

STATE COLLEGE, PA — Kosher pizza was on the menu last night for students at a free party sponsored by the Jewish organization Chabad.

In Ukraine, Chuppa Unites Three Jewish Communities

KIEV, Ukraine – In Kiev, a wonderful union has taken place that owes its beginning to the Jewish website ‘Mazl Tov’. This internet project, which is dedicated to making acquaintances and finding prospective dating partners, was introduced by the Jewish community of Dnepropetrovsk.

In this particular instance, the lucky young couple is Chaim Grinshtein of Zaparozhye and his new wife Miryam from Shostka. Both recently relocated to live in Kiev, where Chaim opened his own company and upon a friend’s advice, registered with the ‘Mazel Tov’ website. Miryam is an artist and student in the ‘STARS’ youth educational program. She learned about the site at a related seminar in Moscow and signed up in hopes of forming a genuine Jewish family.