Thieves Target Storm Damaged Synagogue

Rachael Aram – CBS 4

Ft. Lauderdale, FL — A Ft. Lauderdale temple that suffered damage last month during Tropical Storm Barry (Click here for that story) has once again been hit by a disaster.

The Ft. Lauderdale police say a thief, or thieves, broke into the Chabad Lubavitch of Ft. Lauderdale on North Ocean Drive late Thursday evening or early Friday morning and made off with a laptop computer, a cellular phone and a box full of checks.

Click here for a video report.

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Shabbat Project Strengthens Family Life in East Ukraine

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine –- An invaluable new initiative in the city of Dnepropetrovsk has gotten underway in aims of introducing national and religious traditions in the lives of local Jewish families. The Jewish community of Dnepropetrovsk inaugurated the project ‘My Shabbat, My Soul’ this week.

Such a project is of particular value in modern society, given that many national traditions have been lost and very few people hold enough knowledge on celbrating the Shabbat. “This is not only a day we refrain from working, but a day that we can support a relationship with the source of our spirituality,” stated Alexander Zhukov, the Coordinator for this project.

Oxford Chabad House Helps Flood Victims

Joshua Runyan –

Oxford, England — As the floodwaters that have submerged low-lying areas of England recede, Rabbi Eli Brackman, co-director of the Oxford Chabad Society, and his wife Freida have been reaching out to students and the university’s surrounding community to help them get their lives back to normal.

Kostroma Jews Mark Synagogue’s Centennial Anniversary

Kostroma, Russia –- This week, Jews residing in Kostroma had good occasion for celebration, with the centennial anniversary of the city’s historic Synagogue. This structure was built exactly 100 years ago by Rabbi Tzvi-Hirsh Shneiderman, whose predecessors also traveled here from far away to mark this important event. Rabbi Shneiderman, who led the rather small Jewish community at that time, drafted the architectural plans himself and oversaw the construction of this building.

Crown Heights Gets More Cops

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — An additional 36 graduates assigned to Brooklyn South were sent to an impact zone in the 71st Precinct in Crown Heights, where two police officers were shot — one fatally — on July 9.

For the year, the 71st Precinct has reported seven murders and 899 total felonies.

Click here to download the 71st Precinct Crime Stat Sheet (PDF)

The Weekly Sedra – Va’eschanan – Signage

by Rabbi Yossy Gordon

Sholom Aleichem. The scene was right before a meal about 110 years ago. Rabbi Sholom Ber Schneersohn, the third Chabad Rebbe known as the Rashab, was washing for bread. He was meticulous in everything and ritual washing before bread was no exception. Suddenly, his younger brother Rabbi Menachem Mendel rushed in breathlessly.

“What a discovery!” exclaimed Rabbi Menachem Mendel, “Doctors in France have discovered a vein in the back of the human head. This vein can help one to concentrate or remember. When one leans forward this vein causes the blood to flow towards the part of the brain that aids concentration and helps one concentrate. When one leans back this vein causes blood to flow towards the memory part of the brain and helps one recall.”

Jewish Community of Ukraine Demands Torah Scrolls Be Returned

Kien, Ukraine — Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Azriel Chaikin held a press conference, together with Meir Stambler, the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, and Chief Rabbi of Zhitomir and Western Ukraine Shlomo Wilhelm. This meeting addressed charges by state archive representatives that the Jewish community of Zhitomir had intentionally damaged 17 Torah scrolls it had received from state archives. Despite the absurdity of these allegations, state officials advised Jewish leaders to wait for the results of the investigation.

Click here to go to the Original Article of the Torahs taken away.

4 Pedestrians and 3 Passengers injured in yet another Violent Collision

Crown Heights, Brooklyn – At around 4:10 Thursday afternoon an SUV and a sedan collided with great force, lost control, and plowed into a sidewalk full of pedestrians. The incident took place in the intersection of Lefferts Ave and Schenectady Ave and the vehicles were a BMW X5 SUV driven by a woman with one passenger and a Toyota Corolla driven by a man with two passengers.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Bringing the light to the darkest of places, across 50 states

Herón Márquez Estrada – Star Tribune

Minneapolis, MN — Last week, they were in Iowa and South Dakota. Next week, they’ll be in Texas and Kansas.

And this week, Rabbis Moishe Raksin and Shneur Pruss are in Minnesota traveling to prisons as part of the group’s quest to visit every Jewish prisoner in the United States this summer.

The two rabbis, along with two dozen other volunteers with the nonprofit Aleph Institute, will visit 450 prisons to advise, console or listen to an estimated 5,000 Jewish inmates in state and federal prisons.