The following picture was submitted by Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum.

Readers are welcome to share any information about this picture (such as whos in it and what year it was taken) using the comment system!

Picture of the Day! Sunday Dollars!

The following picture was submitted by Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum.

Readers are welcome to share any information about this picture (such as whos in it and what year it was taken) using the comment system!


  • CGI Detroit

    im not sure about any details in the picture, i just know that gan israel detroit gave it out this year as part of theyre new program of ‘pictures of the rebbe’ called Sichu BeChol Niflaisav.

  • maybe

    im not sure if this is a regular sunday dollars because a class from beis rivkah or any other moised for lubavichers would not just stam go to a regular sunday dollars

  • Amazed

    One thing I can tell you that this picture roars through my soul just remembering the emotions right when you walked into this room your whole self just changed in a second and you came out a whole diffrent person.

  • Sam

    Why not? It happaned many times that classes came from BR or OT? Like for a Siyum or Stam.

  • hi

    its must be a siym or siddur party
    chumash party many times the students of bais rivka were zoche to go…
    what a zchus having my children in a school established by the freidek rebbe

  • former teacher

    i’m pretty sure the girl with the white bow in her hair is nechamah Heber (i don’t know her married name)

  • To - ME:

    Then, that must be my sister’s grade. So, who are the girls? If that was 91-92, this must have been not long before the Rebbe’s stroke.

  • ettie ma daatech?

    hey,yeah it’s the 2nd grade in the yrs 1991-92. it’s my sister!!the cute little girl with the curls