Violent Emotionally Disturbed Person Vandalizes Car – Gets Apprehended

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Today, Wednesday at around 6:30 PM, a visibly agitated Black male around 6’ 2” walking around without a shirt in the vicinity of East New York and Kingston muttering and mumbling to himself, suddenly smashed the window of a parked vehicle right in front of a number of Shomrim members.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

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The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Bamidbar

The Rebbe says:

1. This week we begin a new Book in the “Five Books of Moses” called Chumash Bamidbar or as it is referred to as “The Book of Numbers”.

The first portion in Chumash Bamidbar is called Bamidbar, and we read this Torah portion every year on the Shabbos before the festival of Shavous (which is the anniversary of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai).

2. The simple reason why we read Parshas (the portion of) Bamidbar before Shavous is to make a separation between the curses which we read in the previous week’s Torah portion of Bechukosai and the giving of the Torah (Shavous). However since everything in Torah is perfectly exact (indeed our Sages learn out numerous Laws from one letter in the Torah), we must say that there is a reason why the portion of Bamidbar was specifically chosen to be the portion which we read before the festival of Shavous and not any other portion.

Nickelodeon Pick Drawing of the Rebbe

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Brooklyn, NY — Crown Heights resident Eli Toron works for the Nickelodeon company, producers of children’s shows. On Thursday night the company is hosting a grand opening party for Little Airplane Productions and asked their artist employees to share some of their artwork to hang in the room.

The Beautiful Drawing is in the Extended Article.

Video of the Day – Weekly Living Torah Clip

This weeks living Torah clip titled ‘The Rebbe Recalls his Daily Walk to Cheder. (Volume 36, Episode 141).

Living Torah is a member supported project – Join before Shavuos and Save 44%!

Also available in Hebrew, French and Russian in the Expended Article.

Chabad Offering Lunchtime Education to Jews

Roseville Press Tribune
Rabbi Yossi Korik

Roseville, CA — Roseville’s Jewish population might not rival those of New York or Los Angeles, but that doesn’t mean local Jews shouldn’t have access to enriching educational opportunities, one Roseville rabbi says.

The Placer County Jewish Learning Academy is the latest offering from Chabad of Roseville, and Rabbi Yossi Korik hopes it goes a long way toward explaining key tenants of the faith to those of all levels of familiarity with Judaism.

“The most important thing is education; that’s what keeps people with the traditions,” he said. “It’s very important in any religion to be educated and Chabad wants to provide to the community education at all levels.”

Preliminary plans for Chabad Jewish Center unveiled

TC Palm
Rabbi Berel Barash

Jupiter, FL — Abacoa residents got a first glimpse of the Chabad Jewish Center of Jupiter on Monday night, and there were more questions than answers.

The 25,000-square-foot center will be located on a 1 1/2-acre parcel at the corner of Marlberry Circle and University Drive, directly behind the new SunTrust Bank and Regions Bank under construction.

It will contain a sanctuary area, as well as classrooms, a kitchen, social hall, library and offices, and a small, third-floor study area for Jewish FAU students.

Summer 5767 Chinuch Conference

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The Summer Chinuch Conferences are gatherings designed for educators to prepare, and train for the upcoming school year. Participants explore the expanding educational knowledge base, develop skills that improve professional preparation and practice, and discuss effective, active learning approaches within a secluded Chassidic atmosphere.

Firefighters Return to the Scene of Earlier Fire

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — After battling and successfully putting out the initial blaze earlier yesterday, firefighter were called back as the temporary repair crews found some parts of the ceiling still smoldering but not ablaze.

At around 11:15pm firefighters went back in to the house in order to put out the recurrence. After a short 15 minutes it was deemed completely put out and repair crews went back to work.

More pictures in the Extended Article.


Video of the Day – Peace upon the Land

Two days before the six day war broke out, 40 years ago on the 27th of Iyyar 5727, the Rebbe came out with the ‘Mivtza Tefillin’ campaign for soldiers and all Yidden to put on Tefillin.

Following here is an excerpt from the video ‘Peace upon the Land’ produced by JEM (you can buy it by Clicking Here) where the Rebbe speaks about the war, how we should have no fear and how the nations that descend upon us will fear us and scatter.

Nechama’s Closet Auction by Mail Winners!!!

Jackpot 1 – Chana Goldstein
Jackpot 2 – Chana Goldstein
Split the Pot – Debbie Einbinder
Grand Prize $10,000 – Mendel and Gittel Schneur

1. Israel – Goldman Family
2. Computer – Chana M Keller
3. Freeda wig – Esther Blau

The list continues in the Extended Article!

Assault and Mugging on Carroll and Kingston

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Last night a woman walking to her car which was parked on Kingston between Carroll and President was attacked and mugged. The incident took place at around 9:15pm, the woman was approached by a Black male described to be around 5”10 wearing a white t-shirt and a heavy build, and he made off with $200 and her glasses.

More in the Extended Article.