Grand Opening – Crown Heights Mikvah – Free ’till Shabbos

Grand opening of The Mikvah L’ilui Nishmas (in Memory of) Reb Meier Ben Reb Eliyahu Z”L at 394 Kingston Ave [between Crown and Montgomery St].

No charge L’Kovod Yud Shvat!
From Monday 10th of Shvat until Shabbos 16th of Shvat.

Mikvah hours: 5:00am – 11:00am

Towels, soap, and shampoo will be provided.

Beginning Sunday the 17th of Shvat (Feb. 4th) prices will be:

$3.00 one time use.
$5.00 Erev Shabbos.
$45.00 Monthly Membership.
$30.00 Monthly Membership (Bochurim 17 years old and younger).

More pictures in the Extended Article!

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The Rebbes House Will Be Open For Maariv

Davening in the Rebbes house. Archive photo:

In honor of Yud Shvat the Rebbes house on President Street will be open only for Maariv tonight (Sunday) at 6:30pm. This was achieved thanks to R. Yehuda Krinsky and R. Yosef Boruch Freidman thanks to efforts by the ‘Vaad Hatmimim Haolami’.

MY STORY: Coming Home to Chabad House

Shoshana Hoexter –

Shortly after our wedding, my husband Shua and I set up an office area in our small newlywed apartment. Quickly surveying the programs on Shua’s old computer from college, I came across an album of pictures, and one from four years earlier appeared on the screen. It was a picture of a large group of students at a Chabad on Campus National Student Shabbaton in New York, and despite the fact that I had yet to meet my future husband, I was in it.

Yud Shvat

Introduction for the Tenth of Shvat

1. The Tenth of Shvat is the day that the Previous Rebbe (the 6th Chabad leader) passed away in the year 1950.

The Tenth of Shvat is also the day that our Rebbe officially accepted the seat of leadership one year later (1951).

2. Some information about the Previous Rebbe:

The Previous Rebbe was named (Rebbe) Yoseph Yitzchak Schneersohn and he was the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe. He was born in 1880 in Lubavitch, Belarus. At the age of fifteen he was appointed as the personal secretary of the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe (his father Rebbe Sholom DovBer). At the age of seventeen he married a distant cousin (Nechama Dina Schneersohn). He was then appointed to be the first dean and head of the new network of Lubavitch Yeshivas (named Tomchei Tmimim) in the Russian empire.

Yud Shvat Events and Farbrengens!

Motzoai Shabbos – Ches Shvat:

* Camp Gan Yisroel, Parksville New York – Camp Reunion – Bais Rivkah Lefferts – 8:00pm to 10:30pm
* Empire Shtibel – Melava Malka in honor of Yud Shvat – 489 Empire Blvd. – 9:00pm

Sunday – Tes Shvat:

* Beis Shmuel Farbrengen – Chovevei Torah 885 Eastern Parkway Ground Floor
* Yeshivas Ohr Menachem of South Africa – awards dinner and Farbrengen – Beis Rivkah, Crown St. 8:15pm
* Beis Levi Yitzchak Farbrengen – 9:30pm – 556 Crown St. entrance from ramp on Albany Ave.
* Nshei Ubnos Chabad Yud Shvat Farbrengen – 8:30pm – Oholei Torah

Monday – Yud Shvat:

* International Convention and Farbrengen for Tmimim – Rosa Hall Campus Chomesh – 470 Lefferts Ave. – 7:00pm
* Farbrengen – Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach 1005 Northeast 172nd Terrace North Miami Beach, Florida – 8:00pm Men & Woman invited! – Full Meal will be served!
* Farbrengen in 770 – 9:30pm
* Frankel Shul Farbrengen – 1703 President Street between Utica and Rochester – After Maariv
* Kinus for all Bochurim in Mesivtas – Mesivta Oholei Torah 417 Troy Avenue. – 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

To add events to this list please email us at! Thank You!

Member of Anash Struck by Reversing Car

Around 40 minutes after Shabbos a member of Anash in his late 50’s was struck by a car reversing on Carroll St between Troy and Schenectady. The driver of the car, a male Black, got out of the car and immediately called 911, other residents who witnessed the accident called Hatzalah who responded right away and treated the man for injuries to his legs and head.

He was then transported to Kings County Hospital for checkups and observation.

This is the second such incident where pedestrians were struck by reversing vehicles, when crossing one must always check both ways, especially when crossing in the middle of a block and outside of a crosswalk. And drivers must be careful to always look over their shoulder rather then just rely on their rear view mirrors as there are big blind spots in the rear view of a car.

More in the Extended Article.

Yud Shvat – Safer Haminhagim

(a) Yud Shvat:

The tenth of Shvat is the day on which our saintly master and teacher – R. Yosef Yitzchak, the sixth of the Rebbeim of Chabad – departed this world. Born on Yud-Beis Tammuz 5640 (1880), the Rebbe Rayatz succeeded to the leadership in the year 5680 (1920) and passed away at 8.45 a.m. on Shabbos Parshas Bo, on the tenth day of the eleventh month, Shvat. His resting place is in New York.[670]

(b) Letter of the Rebbe Shlita regarding the Yahrzeit:

By the Grace of G-d
Rosh Chodesh Shvat, 5711
Brooklyn, N.Y.

To Anash, to the students of Tomchei Temimim, and to those who have a bond or a relationship with my revered father-in-law the saintly Rebbe, of blessed memory:

G-d bless you all.

Bochur Struck by Reversing Car

Thursday night at around 10:30pm a Bochur was walking to a Farbrengen with a friend and was crossing Montgomery St between Kingston and Albany and was struck by a reversing car. The car was driven by member of Anash and he immediately stopped and got out to help while his friend called Hatzalah. A resident on the block invited Hatzalah with the patient into their home to avoid the below freezing weather outside.

The Bochur sustained and injury to his head from the fall and an injury to his knee and arm, he was taken to Kings County Hospital for a checkup. B”H none of the injuries were very serious.