Chabad Center adds dimension to Jewish community

Vail Daily
Rabbi Dovid Mintz at his home in Singletree. The Rabbi and his wife have started a new Chabad Center for the Vail Valley.

Edwards, CO – When visiting the new Chabad Center of the Vail Valley, Jews of all backgrounds can expect Rabbi Dovid Mintz and his wife, Doba, to welcome them with warmth and kosher treats.

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Tefillin In The Cockpit Of An Airplane!

Bochurim on a flight headed to Chicago for the Annual Kinnus Hatmimim Hashluchim, merited a Jewish pilot in the mitzvah of laying Tefillin for the first time, in the cockpit of the plane. The pilot never had a bar mitzvah and had never put on Tefillin. When the Bochurim were getting off the plane the pilot who was seeing off all the passenger gave them a ‘different’ greeting, he said to them ‘Zie Gezunt’ (in Yiddish, Be Well) so they asked, sir are you Jewish…!

Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson Delivers Pilpul In Honor Of His Father A”H

Click Here to listen to an audio recording of the Shiur! (First few minutes missing)

Chovevei Torah Zal – Thursday evening at the onset of Night Seder Rabbi K. Weinfeld announced the shiur being delivered by the yeshivas’mashpia R’ Y. Y. Jacobson. The shiur which was dedicated to the late R’ Jacobson A”H, whos’ first yartzeit was Thursday, was attended by the entire beis medrash, as well as bochurim from other yeshivos and 770, and lasted approximately one and a half hours.

It started off explain the difference of opinion between Rashi and Tosfos on the topic of shmitos and yovlos in the various eras of Judaism. He then went on to explain the Gemora in Berochos 27a, regarding the story of the Nassi R’ Gamliel and R’ Yehoshua Ben Levi. After which came the mystical meanings behind the different aspects of the story, and the seeming argument between the Yerushalmi and Bavli Gemoras. Which brought us all back around to the explanation of why during the era of the first Beis Hamikdash both Shmita & Yovel were observed, whereas during the era of the second Beis Hamikdash only Shmita was observed and Yovel was counted just to keep track of the proper calendar for Shmita, and finally during the eras of between the two Botei Mikdoshim and after the second Beis Hamikdash only Shmita was observed and Yovel was entirely disregarded, even just to keep track of the 50th year for the Shmita calendar. He tied these different eras in with the varying levels of kedusha present at those times, and compared it to three eras;

Lag BaOmer Mivtzoim In Meiron

During Lag BaOmer Bochurim from Yeshivas Tzeirei Hashluchim in Tzfat took shifts doing Mivtzoim in Meiron, as you will see in the pictures, they arranged a massive video screen showing videos of the Rebbe, which played during entire duration of Lag Baomer, and watched by thousands! There was also a few professionally looking “Tffilin Booth”s spread out on the road leading up to Rashbi’s Kever. The Bochurim helped over 750 yidden don Tffilin.

More pictures in the Extended Article!!

JLI Presents A Summer Smorgasboard

Rebecca Rosenthal –
A picture perfect setting for the retreat.

Electric guitars blast in the background of Copper Mountain Resort’s winter skiing videos, but come August 16-21, the soundtrack of the off-season in Colorado’s picturesque vacation village will be the engaging hum of Torah study, conversation and laughter, as Jews from around the U.S. challenge each other to new intellectual heights.