Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson Delivers Pilpul In Honor Of His Father A”H
Click Here to listen to an audio recording of the Shiur! (First few minutes missing)
Chovevei Torah Zal – Thursday evening at the onset of Night Seder Rabbi K. Weinfeld announced the shiur being delivered by the yeshivas’mashpia R’ Y. Y. Jacobson. The shiur which was dedicated to the late R’ Jacobson A”H, whos’ first yartzeit was Thursday, was attended by the entire beis medrash, as well as bochurim from other yeshivos and 770, and lasted approximately one and a half hours.
It started off explain the difference of opinion between Rashi and Tosfos on the topic of shmitos and yovlos in the various eras of Judaism. He then went on to explain the Gemora in Berochos 27a, regarding the story of the Nassi R’ Gamliel and R’ Yehoshua Ben Levi. After which came the mystical meanings behind the different aspects of the story, and the seeming argument between the Yerushalmi and Bavli Gemoras. Which brought us all back around to the explanation of why during the era of the first Beis Hamikdash both Shmita & Yovel were observed, whereas during the era of the second Beis Hamikdash only Shmita was observed and Yovel was counted just to keep track of the proper calendar for Shmita, and finally during the eras of between the two Botei Mikdoshim and after the second Beis Hamikdash only Shmita was observed and Yovel was entirely disregarded, even just to keep track of the 50th year for the Shmita calendar. He tied these different eras in with the varying levels of kedusha present at those times, and compared it to three eras;
1. having a full revelation (observing both Shmita & Yovel),
2. having a partial revelation with the ability to draw on the memories of the full revelation to strengthen oneself (observing only Shmita and counting Yovel just to keep track of the proper calendar for Shmita),
3. having only the partial revelation without even the ability to draw on memories of better times (observing only Shmita and entirely disregarding Yovel, even just to keep track of the 50th year for the Shmita calendar). He finished off by explaining how these levels are all relevant in our times as well, and by asking HaShem to please bring us to the level of a full revelation immediately, in our days, AMEN.
The evening was ended with farbeisen and everyone reciting L’chaim L’ilui Nishmas R’ Gershon Ben R’ Simon Jacobson, followed by Ma’ariv.

a parent
rabbi JJ please keep up the verry good work, Its is verry much appriciated from the uk
a nother parent
rabbi jj please keep up the very good work, its much appriciated from mel
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the yeshiva boys seem to all be falling asleep! must have been pretty long bec i know rabbi jacobson and he’s waaaaay too interesting to fall asleep by!!!
It is ridiculous that Shmita brings huge income to Israeli enemies in Gaza and the Palestinian territories. Whatever are the religious overtones, they cannot excuse purchases from HAMAS voters. What do you think of Obadiah Shoher interpretating Shmita as charity obligation rather than agricultural rule? (Here, for example http://samsonblinded.org/bl… ) Anyway, I’ll better buy from atheist kibbutzim than from Gaza.