The Family Of Efraim Klein’s Shivah Schedule

Boruch Klein, Brother to Efraim, will be sitting Shivah Along with Efraims Son and 2 Daughters at him home, 918 Lincoln Pl. [between Brooklyn & New York]

The Schedules for Davening are as follows:
Shacharis – 9:00AM
Mincha – Bizmana
Maariv – Bizmana

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim

[Please use the comment section on this article for condolences for the family only. Thank you.]

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Press Conference Held in the Jewish Childrens Museum

An audio recording of the Conference can be heard by CLICKING HERE. [7.92MB, 33:58, WMA, STREAM]

Following the Levaya of Rabbi Ephraim Klein, attended by thousands of Crown Heights’ residents, many media reporters gathered together with various community leaders in the Tzivos Hashem Jewish Children’s Museum.

The event was chaired by Mrs. Devora Halberstam, the mother of the Tomim, Ari Halberstam, HY”D, who was killed by an Arab terrorist when he was on a mini-bus with his friends on the way to visit the Rebbe, who was hospitalized at the time. Ever since, Mrs. Halberstam is busy in combating crime and warning about its rise at many occasions. In her introduction she said, “The situation has become extremely serious. We must stop the next planned crime”.

Well Over 1000 Attend Efraim Klein HY”D’s Levaya

Click Here for a Newscast of the Levaya from NEWS12
Click Here for a video clip of the Levaya from Shmais

Bochurim from Oholei Torah Zal and Mesivta as well as Bochurim from Chovevai Torah Zal and all grades from the Bais Rivkah High School attended Efraim Kleins Levaya along with hundreds of members of the community.

Efraim was murdered earlier this morning from wounds inflicted upon him by a gunshot wound which police still have no idea who shot him and where he was shot, and are still investigating.

The Levaya arrived in front of 770 at around 2:20pm there R. Shea Hecht said a few words about Efraim followed by him praising the Police Department for the work they are doing. R. Shloime Lieb Abramowitz said the “Michtam Ledavid” and the Kapitlach Tehillim. Then the Aron was brought out of the Hearse and was carried past 770 then reloaded back into the Hearse and went to the Montefiore Cemetery where he was laid to his final resting place.

A full gallery in the Extended Article.

Full update on this morning’s murder

Click Here for an ABC7 Newscast of this tragic event.
Click Here for an NY1 Newscast
Click Here for an NBC4 Newscast

At around 1:00am Efraim Klien (47) HY”D was driving down Schenectady Ave. when eye witnesses claim to have heard and seen 3 shots being fired at the minivan Efrayim was driving, after the shots the van swerved and turned into Carroll St. where he was weaving and was all over the road and went running into parked cars from the beginning of the block until hitting one car in the middle of the block bringing the car to a complete stop.

The minivan then burst into flames and 2 bystanders ran to the van and got the injured victim out of the vehicle and put out the flames. At this point Hatzalah members were already showing up on scene and began performing basic life support, at which time a Hatzalah Ambulance and a FDNY Ambulance had shown up, Hatzalah transported the victim to KCH where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

On report of the passing to all the units of Hatzalah, Shomrim & Police, snow began falling and quickly a layer covered the street only to make any search harder for police in any effort in finding any clues as to what had happened tonight.

Police are still trying to figure out what happened, and where the victim was originally shot, in a brief conversation with a ranking officer on scene he said that Police are looking into the possibility that the victim was shot on Union St. & Schenectady Ave. but still have no idea where he was shot.

The victim who was 42 years of age leaves behind a son who he was going to marry off next week and a daughter who is currently in Israel.

Police have initiated a Level One Mobilization in which every extra hand is called in to search for suspects, or in this case to search for any evidence of a suspect. As of now there has been no progress made.

All the pictures and the initial report can be seen by Clicking Here


The minivan on the right is the car the deceased was driving

This just in, a Lubavitch member of the community was shot and killed.

Update: The Victims name is Efraim Klein HY”D from Union Street, and was going to marry off his son next week.

The incident took place on Schenectady between President and Carroll where many witnesses said they heard 3 loud gunshots followed by a series of crashes. The driver was hit by a bullet which entered his right arm then exited and reentered his chest, he immediately lost control of the vehicle and made a left onto Carroll St. where he went barreling into at least 15 parked cars and finally coming to rest on one parked car.

The car then caught fire and 2 black men rushed to the rescue, one of them shut off the engine and put out the flames, while the other extracted the wounded man from the car. during all the commotion a resident saw what had happened and alerted Hatzalah who had responded instantly with over 15 members, EMT’s and Paramedics, who treated the injured, then transported him to Kings County Hospital where he was pronounced Dead On Arrival.

Details are still sketchy but you all know where to check up for the latest news and updates.

More pictures of the scene of the Murder/Accident in the extended article.

chabad Shliach to Central Africa Meets President of Congo

The Chief Rabbi of Congo and Shliach to Central Africa, Rabbi Shlomo benTolila, met this week with President of Congo, Joseph Kabila. The meeting was held in the South Eastern town of Bukavu and the Shliach took this opportunity to express his best wishes to the president in honor of enacting the official constitution which will become the basis of the democratic rule in Congo.

200 at Dinner for Chabad in Sarasota

At the 11th annual dinner held in benefit of the Chabad House of Sarasota, Florida, the Shliach, Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz proudly announced the marked expansion of the Chabad House during the past year. Compared to the small guest room in Rabbi Steinmetz’ apartment which served as Chabad headquarters when he first arrived to the city 15 years ago, the Chabad house currently boasts three centers, an elegant Mikvah, a preschool and a school for Jewish studies.

Purim Preparations in Long Island

In addition to the regular activities carried out by the Shliach, R. Yitzchak Chasin in the ‘West Hill Torah Center’ he arranges a weekly Torah class after Shacharis. In the most recent class the crowd was mesmerized by the speech delivered by R. Anshel Perl, who elaborated on ideas pertaining to the month of Adar and to the joy and Mitzvahs of Purim. Also in attendance were a few war veterans. Following the class, the participants donated funds for the renovation of the Shul.

Lawyer for Holocaust survivors criticized for fee


The lawyer who represented Holocaust survivors in a lawsuit against Swiss banks is facing criticism from some of the victims, who say they are angry he’s charging millions for work they believed was being done for free.

The dispute has now landed in court. An American group of Holocaust survivors has filed an objection to lawyer Burt Neuborne’s almost $4.1 million (€3.4 million) bill for work he did after the 1998 settlement in the case, The New York Times reported Saturday. On Friday Neuborne filed papers seeking to refute those objections, and asked a judge to hold a hearing on his fee.

“No. 1 – that he was telling us all along that he will not get paid,” said David Mermelstein, 77, who was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where his family was killed. “And No. 2, to take away this money from the needy survivors is a crime.”