Please say Tehillim

UPDATE: The member has passed away, BD”H.

Please say Tehillim for Shabtai Shmuel Eliyahu ben Sara Esther a long time member of the Queens division of Hatzalah, he has been diagnosed with Yenem Machleh L”A. May he had a full and speedy recovery.

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PBA Claims It Has Evidence NYPD Is Pushing Ticket Quotas

Look what I found

May 15, 2003 — The head of the police union says he has evidence the NYPD is pressuring officers to write more tickets, a charge top Police Department officials deny.

NY1’s Rebecca Spitz filed the following story:

Even when they’ve sat there so long they’re almost covered up, they’re impossible to miss: Parking tickets.

They’re the bane of every driver’s existence, and these days, it seems they’re everywhere.

Police officers say they’re writing more than ever as the city tries to plug the budget gap. The police union charges supervisors are putting officers under the gun.

The Ticket Blitz – My Rant

After speaking to some people about the recent ticket blitz in Crown Heights, someone told me that there was a quota of 100 tickets that the police had to meet and the 770 intersection. While someone else with influential connections to the police dept. claims he has had the officers camping out in front of 770 dismissed from that location.

But this cant be right, people were being pulled over all over the neighborhood not just in front of 770. And for some strange reason most of the “violators” were Frum Jew’s.

And I have heard that the reason there was a quota on that intersection is that there is a lot of accidents there. Now I ask can someone please tell me if they remember a serious accident there in recent history?! Well I can tell you this much if you look at this Sunday’s news you will see a MAJOR accident with INJURIES down at the Troy Ave. and Empire Blvd. intersection, then go 2 more weeks back and you will see another serious accident that took the police THIRTY MINUTES to respond to and FDNY took 15 minutes while there was an injured motorist lying on the street waiting for help.

I can go on and on about “preferential treatment” that the black’s are claiming we are getting over them. Is this one of them? Or is it the reverse?

The Weekly Sedra – Nitzavim

Try to remember the first time you ever heard the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah? There are millions of Jews throughout the world that cannot. They never heard the Shofar in their lives. In fact they do not know that they are Jewish … or they simply don’t care. But the Baal Shem Tov taught in a parable that every Jew, without exception, feels the same strange awakening when he hears the Shofar, (he just has to know that it is something Jewish).

Here is the Baal Shem’s parable: Once there was a great king that had a mischievous ten-year-old son. The young price had requested from his father several times to let him play with the town children outside of the castle wall but his father refused each time saying, ‘Soon you will be King, and a King must be different’. But eventually the son decided that he was bored and he planned an escape.

Dear friends, readers of – A Letter From A Reader

What are your plans for Sukkos?

I remember as child, we just made havdala in the Sukkah after the first days of Sukkos and we were preparing to go to Simchas Beis Hasho’eva. Around the corner from my home there was banging and zetzing, don’t ask what. There was a group of bochurim on the back of a Barn Pick-up truck, with hammers and nails in hand, all at once trying to bang together a Sukkah.

Board, I definitely was at the time, otherwise would never have paid any attention to them. So I went out to go see what was going on. The sight, the way I described it earlier, just cracked me up. Although I’m no maven at building, a bit of common sense I think I can brag about and so I offered them a hand and together we put together a Sukkah.

Burglar on a Fire Escape

Earlier this week Shomrim responded to a call from a hysterical woman who was home alone in her apartment with her baby when she heard noise coming from the fire escape, there was a man that had opened the window and was trying to get into the house.

Shomrim’s response was amazingly swift, they had reached the scene faster then the woman had managed to go to her relative downstairs. When they arrived the perp had already ran, and Shomrim started canvassing the area for this burglar and when the Police showed up on scene they joined in the search which yielded no results.

Shomrim urges everyone to make sure that the windows around the house are secured tightly, an in case of an emergency please call the Shomrim Hotline at (718) 774-3333 24/7

Holy Ground At The Pentagon

The Jewish Week

For the man who sponsored the first Torah for the Pentagon, it was a way to say thanks to this country.

“There is no better way for Jews to express their gratitude to America than to place a Torah in the Pentagon, which has preserved our freedom,” said Hank Sopher, a prominent New York real estate magnate and owner of Quik Park garages.

Sopher sponsored the writing of the Pentagon Torah, a first for the home of the U.S. military establishment.

Sholom Lipskar, a Lubavitch rabbi from Bal Harbour, Fla., and founding chairman of the Aleph Institute, presided over Monday’s Torah dedication in the Pentagon chapel. The scroll was placed in an ornate Israeli-built ark whose steel door is secured by a safe lock.

Antidote to Rita: Umbrella of Kindness

After Hurricane Rita’s winds killed the electricity at Rabbi Lazer and Rochel Lazaroff’s Houston home on Friday night, the only other drama came when a few paper napkins drifted into the Shabbat candle flames. It could have been worse, much, much worse.

With winds projected to hit at well over 100 miles per hour, the eyes of the nation were upon Hurricane Rita to see–in the aftermath of Katrina–the scale of human tragedy that would follow. Wary of suffering a horrific blow, Houstonites jammed highways looking for a way out, but not Chabad of Houston.

‘Oy Vey’ Traffic Sign Goes Up in Brooklyn

“Leaving Brooklyn? ‘Oy vey!'” That’s what motorists now see as they cross the Williamburg Bridge into Manhattan. The huge sign, affixed to a cross beam of the bridge high above the bustling traffic, is a sweet victory for Marty Markowitz, president of the borough, home to a large Jewish population.

When Markowitz first approached the Department of Transportation about the sign in January 2004, he was rebuffed because the agency felt it would be distracting to motorists.

After “revisiting” the issue, the DOT allowed the sign to go up two weeks ago, Markowitz said Wednesday. “I’m thrilled.”