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Weekly Letter: Why The Holocaust?

In his letter to one questioning the holocaust – why did G-d permit it to take place – the Rebbe shares some preliminary basic thoughts to keep in mind before delving into the question: Creation of the world with a purpose, capacities to carry out the purpose and the Divine design revealed in Torah.

Weekly Letter: One Cannot Consider Anything As Impossible

The month of Iyar is an auspicious time for healing – a time during which Hashem healed all Yidden of their afflictions, in preparation for their receiving the Torah at Har Sinai. In his letter this week – the Rebbe addresses the concerns of one who is despondent regarding the health issues facing her, with encouraging the words “that to be truly realistic, one cannot consider anything as impossible.”

Weekly Letter: The Fifth Son

The Rebbe in his letter for Pesach is introducing us to the FIFTH SON – the one who is unaware of Pesach and is not even at the seder. The Rebbe goes into detail analyzing the reason for this sad situation and suggests ways to rectify the problem.

Weekly Letter: In Connection With Our Final Redemption

In honor of the birthday of the Rambam – Erev Pesach – and in connection with our final redemption – we present a letter in which the Rebbe clarifies the teachings of the Rambam (Hilchos Melochim) regarding the sequence of events preceding the ingathering of the exiles at the time of our final redemption, with his brochos for the coming of Moshiach with its great miracles, speedily!

Weekly Letter: The Significance of “Eight”

In connection with the auspicious event in this week’s parsha, Shmini – the dedication of the Mishkan , we share this letter of the Rebbe, a fascinating letter to a supporter of his activities in the Holy Land – where the Rebbe expounds on the significance of “eight”. As represented by the 8 lights of the Chanukah menorah, the dedication of the Mishkan on the eighth day, the eighth day of Succos, Shmini Atzeres among others.

Weekly Letter: Deplorable Assertions and Misconceptions about the Land of Israel

Attacks on Israel and fake news is nothing new, as can be seen in the Rebbe’s letter we share this week. With the very challenging situation in Eretz Yisroel today – fighting an enemy both on the ground and in the public and political arena – we are sharing a letter that the Rebbe wrote to a US official in the UN. In his letter, the Rebbe decries the deplorable assertions and misconceptions about the land of Israel that are contained in the State Department report on human rights.