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Mazal Tov's View More

Weekly Letter: The Rebbe States His Clear Views

We present a letter from the Rebbe, so relevant to the crisis in Israel we are facing today, in which the Rebbe states his clear views on, among other things, 1. the returning by Israel of the liberated lands and the surrendering of oil fields in Sinai and 2. The government’s meek policy and response regarding terrorist attacks where he gives some historical examples.

Weekly Letter: The Powers Which Man Was Given

Regarding the Creation of the world and its ultimate purpose – the creation of Man – the Rebbe underlines some fascinating details: the powers which man was given, the purpose of his creation and the meaning of G-d’s command to him to replenish and to conquer it and have dominion over its living creatures…

Weekly Letter: The Unique Qualities of Chasidus

In preparation for the bright day of Chai Elul – the birthday of the luminaries of chasidus – R’ Yisroel Baal Shem Tov and R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe – we present a letter in which the Rebbe explains the unique qualities of chasidus- as it includes all other loyalties and as it permeates all aspects of Jewish life. Chasidus is the heritage of all our people, explains the Rebbe, not the property of any one group.

Weekly Letter: The Way to Bring the Geula

In this week of “comfort” we share a comforting letter in which the Rebbe asks – Which events herald the geula? In his answer- the Rebbe explains the cause of golus and the way to bring the geula and details the events that usher in the geula, as the Rambam states and not as do the well-intentioned individuals who use non-halachic sources.