Shomrim Releases Video, Asks For Information On Tire Thieves
Crown Heights Shomrim has released video showing two perpetrators stealing all four tires off pf a parked car in Crown Heights. They are asking the community to help them investigate.
Crown Heights Shomrim has released video showing two perpetrators stealing all four tires off pf a parked car in Crown Heights. They are asking the community to help them investigate.
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Sixty years ago, on the 20th yahrzeit-hilula of his father, in 1964, the Rebbe established a new charitable fund in his father’s name to provide free loans for Yeshiva teachers. Throughout the years, the fund’s purpose developed to include filling other financial needs as well.
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson passed away in Kazakhstan in 1944. Today, 12 rabbis serve there.
During the Seven Weeks of Comfort we share a letter of the Rebbe where he deals with the halachic question on golus and ge’ulo – have we reached the era of “reishis tzmichas ge’uloseinu” (the beginning of the blossoming of our redemption)?
“The Sarah Schneirer – Wurzweiler School of Social Work” had a graduation of dozens of new therapists for the Jewish community. On Sunday July 28, 2024, 22 Tammuz, 5784, Rabbi YY Jacobson presented the commencement address and spoke about when therapists are not worked out internally, they are dangerous.
The first installment of “Torah Unboxed” reviews four popular editions of the Chumash, breaking down their features, translations, and commentaries in a format familiar to YouTube enthusiasts.
Rabbi Mordechai Goldshmid is a veteran educator who serves today as a lecturer in Tomchei Temimim of Bnei Brak. He was interviewed in his home in May of 2010.
United States Senator Rick Scott, a strong supporter of Israel who traveled to Israel after October 7th to show his support, posted on X today revealing that he donates from his senate salary to Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz of Chabad of Southwest Florida.
As the war in Ukraine continues into its third summer, Chabad of Poland has hosted more than 200 Jewish Ukrainians, hailing from five communities, for a two-week summer experience focused on allowing children and their parents a break from life in a warzone.
Starting in the early hours of the morning, hundreds of guests began to flow to the gates of the Rixos Hotel in Alma Ata, where the huge event commemorating the 80th Hila Day will be held in the coming days. The events, planned to last several days, attracted a large crowd from all over the world.
Get clarity on whether Judaism classifies world religions as idolatrous while exploring the Halachic definition and deeper meaning of Judaism’s rejection of idol worship.
An artist rendering of the future Stanley C. Middleman Chabad Jewish Center at Rowan, University. The center will provide a kosher dining hall, student lounge and housing, among other amenities.
This Chof Av, celebrate with MyMaor’s special video collection! Your child will experience the excitement of the Gan Israel rally with the Rebbe, listen to the Rebbe share stories about his father, Reb Levik, and learn special life lessons.
Chabad of West Palm Beach, Fla., has teamed up with Palm Beach County to provide free kosher lunches to seniors. The kosher food program is the first of its kind to be offered by the county, which has 13 other free meal sites.
Mazel Tov to Zusya and Dini Kreitenberg who will be moving out on Shlichus to South Metro Denver, Colarado.
When I shared with people that I was going, I got mixed responses for my friends. Some were excited while others felt that going to Kazakhstan – or going to any of the “Kevarim trips” to Rabboseinu Nesieinu – was “against Hiskashrus” to our Rebbe.