Weekly Letter: Higher Education of a Daughter
As we begin the new school year – we share a letter of the Rebbe regarding the higher education of a daughter, some important factors to keep in mind and the question of college.
As we begin the new school year – we share a letter of the Rebbe regarding the higher education of a daughter, some important factors to keep in mind and the question of college.
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In connection with the theme of judges, with which our parsha begins, we share a letter in which the Rebbe deals with the question of a woman accepting the position of Judge.
In our Parsha we are given a choice between the blessings and the curses which will be pronounced on the two mountains as soon as we enter the Holy Land after our 40 years in the desert. The Rebbe’s letter deals with the question of free choice – how do we reconcile Divine foreknowledge, predestination with the idea of freedom of choice of action.
During the Seven Weeks of Comfort we share a letter of the Rebbe where he deals with the halachic question on golus and ge’ulo – have we reached the era of “reishis tzmichas ge’uloseinu” (the beginning of the blossoming of our redemption)?
The beginning of out Parsha tells of the many supplications of Moshe, at the end of the 40th year in the desert – praying for permission to enter the Holy Land with his people. On the theme of prayer, we share a letter of the Rebbe in which he discusses praying on behalf of the Jewish people and praying on behalf of oneself – and the connection between the two.
On the days before Tisha B’Av – thoughts about the suffering of the innocent, the cause of our golus and efforts to rectify the cause so as to bring our ge’ula.
These Three Weeks – a time of much suffering for our people and of mourning the destruction of our Battie Mikdosh – is a suitable time to share a letter where the Rebbe deals with the age-old question, asked by Moshe Rebbeinu and others: Why do the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper?
The matter of drafting Yeshivah students to the Israeli army has been in the news recently and has been debated strongly – we share a letter of the Rebbe in which he addresses the question of military service.
To the students of a girls’ school, the Rebbe gives blessings for a successful summer, encouraging them to make an impact on their surroundings – where they will have success using the road of uncompromising truth rather than accept a situation or make concessions. Especially in the area of tznius.
Having begun Chodesh Tammuz and in preparation for Chag HaGeula of the 12th -13th of this month – we share a letter, dated 3rd of Tammuz, written to one involved in education, where the Rebbe emphasizes the dedicated activities of the Frierdiker Rebbe in the area of chinuch without compromise.
As parents are arranging for their children’s education for the coming school year, we present an important letter of the Rebbe highlighting the Jewish education of a daughter – with encouraging advice about studying in Seminary in Eretz Yisrael and cautioning about the pitfalls of college, especially during these trying times.
Our letter this week – the week we read about the shluchim sent by Moshe to scout the land of Israel – deals with the role of shluchim of the Rebbe in our day. The Rebbe clarifies to one critical of shluchim – who are not involved in certain activities or projects – what is the essential and primary duty of a shliach.
In connection with these parshios where we learn about the kohanim and their service in the Mishkan – we share a letter to a writer of an article dealing with the question of the necessity to have an hereditary aristocracy in the persons of Kohanim and Levyim.
Having just celebrated the giving of the Torah on Shavuos – we share a letter where the Rebbe explains the extent to which our involvement with the Torah needs to go – by his analysis of the expression “osek ba’Torah.”
We are preparing to celebrate the yom tov of Shavuos – yet we are not told the date of that yom tov. In his letter, the Rebbe explains why Shavuos has no independent date of its own – no month or day is specified in the Torah for the festival of Shavuos.
As we are now in the period of sefirah, counting the days of the Omer – in preparation for and anticipation of Shavuos – we share a letter of the Rebbe in which he underlines the special and deeper qualities of this mitzvah.
In preparation for Lag B’Omer we share a Lag B’Omer Message of the Rebbe to junior Yeshivah students on the occasion of a students’ rally in 5713. In his fascinating message, the Rebbe points out interesting lessons from Lag B’Omer for us