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Weekly Letter: The Need for the Ten Commandments to Include Self-Evident Commandments

In answer to one questioning the need for the Ten Commandments to include such self-evident commandments as “Thou shall not murder,” – the Rebbe explains in clear terms the critical connection between the laws of two apparently different orders: the first Commandments of the deepest truth about G-d’s Unity (true monotheism) and the other, self-evident elementary injunctions – such as not to murder and not to steal.

Weekly Letter: Using the Term Tzivos Hashem for the Children’s Organization

The Yidden who are now leaving Mitzrayim are referred to as the army/tzivos of Hashem. In our letter this week, the Rebbe gives a clear answer to the correspondent who is questioning the advisability of using the term Tzivos Hashem for the children’s organization which the Rebbe established: Is it of good educational value to promote the ideas of the military and glorification of arms, wars and battlefields?

Weekly Letter: A Total Misconception of What Marriage Is

In his letter – the Rebbe answers one who questions the need for a formal marriage, a “legal agreement.” The Rebbe clarifies a total misconception of what marriage is and points out that the reason our Jewish people were able to survive their enslavement in Egypt as a distinct people was the sanctity of their married life and the raising of their children in the way of G-d.

Weekly Letter: Distorted and Outlandish Opinions about Chassidus

On the occasion of the 24 of Teves, yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi , founder of Chassidus Chabad and author of the Tanya Kaddisha – we are sharing an interesting letter of the Rebbe in which he clarifies some distorted and outlandish opinions about Chassidus, opinions that are based on heresy by ignorant people. Included – are some points about growing a beard.

Weekly Letter: Cooperation of All People in our Efforts to Promote our Activities

The Rebbe’s letter addresses our public relations with the politicians here in the US: in connection with reception in Washington DC where members of Congress were honoring the Rebbe and Chabad with an official declaration of EDUCATION DAY, proclaiming the Rebbe’s birthday as Education Day in America. In his letter, the Rebbe explains the importance of having the cooperation of all people in our efforts to promote our activities (in this case, education for all), for the good of non-Jews and Jews alike.

Weekly Letter: Raising Jewish Children – Candid, Clear and Practical Suggestions

In this week’s parsha Yaakov is leaving his parents’ home and venturing out to a very challenging environment, where he will establish a family, a wholesome, Jewish family. In connection with this critical and daunting mission – we are sharing a letter in which the Rebbe gives guidance for raising Jewish children – with candid, clear and practical suggestions of basic principles to keep in mind.