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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 30% OFF Lint Rollers 525 Sheets Mega Value Set

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MONSEK Lint Rollers 525 Sheets Mega Value Set

4X Extra Sticky Lint Roller with 2 Upgraded Handle

5 Rollers, Portable Lint Remover for Clothes and Furniture

DEAL PRICE: $13.98 (30% OFF)


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Weekly Letter: The Unique Qualities of Chasidus

In preparation for the bright day of Chai Elul – the birthday of the luminaries of chasidus – R’ Yisroel Baal Shem Tov and R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe – we present a letter in which the Rebbe explains the unique qualities of chasidus- as it includes all other loyalties and as it permeates all aspects of Jewish life. Chasidus is the heritage of all our people, explains the Rebbe, not the property of any one group.

Weekly Letter: The Way to Bring the Geula

In this week of “comfort” we share a comforting letter in which the Rebbe asks – Which events herald the geula? In his answer- the Rebbe explains the cause of golus and the way to bring the geula and details the events that usher in the geula, as the Rambam states and not as do the well-intentioned individuals who use non-halachic sources.

Weekly Letter: Why The Holocaust?

During the Three Weeks – a time in Jewish history of great suffering for our people – we highlight a letter of the Rebbe where he addresses the question of “why the holocaust?” Moshe Rabbeinu and Yirmiyahu too, says the Rebbe, wrestled with the time-honored question of “why does the way of the wicked prosper?”

Weekly Letter: The Role of A Shliach

In connection with the theme of the parsha -Shlach – where Moshe sends shluchim on a mission – we share a letter of the Rebbe in answer to a critic of the Rebbe’s shluchim in which the Rebbe clarifies the role of a shliach and encourages other organizations to increase and strengthen their activities.