Our Heroes: Rabbi Zalman Shimon Dworkin (1901 – 1985)

Part 2: A Few Hours of the Rav’s Long Day; If not for the Rav’s organizational skills, it would be difficult to comprehend how he so successfully digested such a long day, and every weekday was a long day, with the countless shaalos, problems, arguments, matters of Hatzala and help, and many others, that it brought.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson
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Our Heroes: Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Hakohen Blau (1913 – 2003)

Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Hakohen Blau was born in 1913 in Hamburg, Germany to Horav Yirmiah Hakohen and Mrs. Leah Blau. When he became aware that one of the great Musar teachers, Reb Yerucham Halevi Lebowitz was the mashgiach in the Mirrer Yeshiva, he requested permission and the support of his parents to study there. In 1932 at the age of nineteen, he left Germany for Mir, Poland.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Our Heroes: Reb Yaakov Moshe Friedman (1924-2004)

Reb Yaakov Moshe Friedman was born in 1924 to Horav Hagan Hachossid Reb Meir Yisroel Isser Hakohen, the Krynitzer Rebbe and Rebbetzin Feiga. Reb Meir Yisroel was the son of the Gaon and kabbalist Reb Ben Zion, who was the Dayan and Rav in Dubetsk, Galicia, and a member of the Kabbalists in the entourage of Horav Hakodosh Reb Tzvi Elimelech of Blozuv, the author of “Tzvi Lazadik”. Rebbetzin Feiga stemmed from the well known Gaon and Kodosh, Reb Chaim Hakohen Rappaport, who was one of the Baal Shem Tov’s students.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Our Heroes: Rabbi Michoel Teitelbaum (1912-2005)

Rabbi Michoel Teitelbaum, the person who opened Yeshiva Oholei Torah, was born in 1912, in Russia,. During his childhood, WWI broke out and followed by the Communist revolution when he literally began tasting msiras nefesh, and attained his Torah and Chassidus under difficult conditions. He studied a short while in Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Nevel, with legendary figures in the group as Reb Mendel Futerfas and others. The Yeshiva was forced to close and the bochurim settled in Kremenshuk. There they created small underground cells in which they studied Torah and Chassidus. They had very little food, and slept, sometimes on a bench in a shul or in the park.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Our Heroes: Rabbi Zalman Shimon Dworkin (1901-1985)

Reb Zalman Shimon Dworkin, the Rav and Mora D’asra of the Crown Heights community for twenty years, was born in 1901 in Rogotchov to Reb Yerucham and Rivka. Reb Zalman Shimon’s father was a G-d fearing person and a teacher of unique caliber who taught children unable to afford tuition. Despite his resultant poverty, Reb Yerucham moved his son from the cheder where he was learning to that of Reb Elozor Garelik. Reb Elozor was an expert and searched after teacher whose students generally were from more affluent families.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Our Heroes: Shimshon and Martha Stock OBM, Part 2

It is six years that Shimshon and Martha Stock are no longer with us. Reb Shimshon Stock known affectionately to all, as Shimshon Stock or Shimshon, was not just an ordinary individual but served as the address and an institution, to whom many individuals and families turned in their search for a shidduch, advice and guidance on sholom bayis and other life issues, or financial help.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Our Heroes: Shimshon and Martha Stock OBM, Part 1

It is six years that Shimshon and Martha Stock are no longer with us. Reb Shimshon Stock known affectionately to all, as Shimshon Stock or Shimshon, was not just an ordinary individual but served as the address and an institution, to whom many individuals and families turned in their search for a shidduch, advice and guidance on sholom bayis and other life issues, or financial help.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Opinion: Getting a Grip on Religious Child Molestation

Last week, British Channel 4’s Dispatches program did an expose on attitudes within some of the Orthodox Jewish community in London toward molestation. One particular victim went undercover to expose the way his community has for decades been dealing with pedophilia. It’s been a year long investigation and it has sent shockwaves through much of the Anglo-Jewish community.

Our Heroes: Reb Aharon Hakohen Klein (1916 – 1998)

Hachossid Reb Aharon Klein was born in 1916 to Rabbi Yitzchok Hakohen and Mrs. Perel Klein, may Hashem avenge their blood, on the 18th of Sivan in Vienna. Both Rabbi and Mrs. Klein were from distinguished families who traced their origins to the illustrious Torah giants, the Chacham Tzvi and the Megale Amukos among others. Reb Yitzchok was a communal figure and known in Vienna for his acts of kindness and generosity.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Our Heroes: Rabbo Chaim Meir Bukiet (1919-1998)

Hagaon Hachossid Horav Chaim Meir Bukiet was born on the 24th of Menachem Av 1919 in Wislica, Poland, the only child of Horav Hachossid Reb Avrohom Shmuel and Mrs. Rochel Bukiet. The Previous Rebbe established many small chadorim across the […]

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson
Special thanks to Rabbi Dovid Zaklikowski

Jews in Sports: New York’s Jewish Icemen

After the National Hockey League Players’ Association and NHL Owners (finally) came to a Collective Bargaining Agreement on whether the millionaires or the billionaires would earn an additional dollar for the next eight-to-ten-years, the regular-season for the NHL is set to begin play by week’s end.

by Yossi Goldstein

Our Heroes: Reb Chaim Halevi Hurwitz (1902-1999)

Part 2: Horav Hachossid Reb Chaim Hurwitz, fondly known as Reb Chaim Tashkenter, was born to Hachossid Reb Moshe Avrohom Halevi and Mrs. Masha Liba on Shushan Purim 1902 in Suraz, Russia. Suraz, north of Vitebsk and 40 km. from Horodok, was a genuinely chassidishe city.

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson
With special thanks to Rabbi Dovid Hurwitz

Our Heroes: Reb Chaim Halevi Hurwitz (1902-1999)

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson
With special thanks to Rabbi Dovid Hurwitz

Part 1: Horav Hachossid Reb Chaim Hurwitz, fondly known as Reb Chaim Tashkenter, was born to Hachossid Reb Moshe Avrohom Halevi and Mrs. Masha Liba on Shushan Purim 1902 in Suraz, Russia. Suraz, north of Vitebsk and 40 km. from Horodok, was a genuinely chassidishe city.

Our Heros: Rabbi Eliyohu Moshe Liss (1909-1988)

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Rabbi Liss speaking with students at the Lubavitch Yeshiva Bedford and Dean Ave

In honor of his 25th Yarhrzeit, the 16th of Teves and the Yahrzeit of his wife, the 29th of Teves.

Hachossid Rabbi Eliyohu Moshe Liss was born in Nissan 1909, in the city of Dlugoshdola near Vishkov, Poland. Rabbi Liss was not able to verify his date of birth. On one occasion, he asked the Rebbe what date to commemorate. The Rebbe advised him that since Rabonim are considered kings, and the month of Nissan is considered the New Year for kings, therefore he should commemorate his birthday in Nissan.

Our Heros: Reb Yosef M. M. Tenenbaum (1917-1993)

by Rabbi Michoel Seligson

Horav Hachossid Reb Yosef Menachem Mendel Tenenbaum was born in 1917 to Hachossid Reb Yitzchok and Mrs. Sima Masha in Kotzk, Poland. Reb Mendel’s maternal grandfather, Reb Alter Yaakov Yehuda, was a Kotzker chossid. Chassidim recalled that the Kotzker Rebbe would not begin davening until Reb Alter had come into shul.