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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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Weekly Letter: The Origin of Saying Psalms

Since it is customary to recite extra Tehillim/Psalms – during the month of Elul through and including Yom Kippur – as part of our tesuvah process in preparation for the High Holy Days, we present a letter of the Rebbe where he traces the origin of saying Psalms and its importance in connecting with G-d as explained in the Zohar.

Gridlock Alert Announced In NYC For This Coming Week

New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez released a list of Gridlock Alert Days through the end of the year, including the week of United Nations General Assembly, September 23 to September 27. Drivers should expect extensive street closures and delays across Manhattan for the duration of next week.