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Mazal Tov's View More

8:00pm: Is There Anything Wrong With Secular Studies? Why Is Studying Science Not Like Studying Torah, Since They Both Come From G-d?

The topics in this week’s 292nd episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Announcing the 6th Annual MyLife Essay Contest; Chassidus Applied to 24 Teves and Vaeira; How to Prepare for the Approaching 70th Anniversary of the Rebbe’s Leadership? How Long Is the 7th Generation? What Was Moshe’s Birth Name Given by His Parents, and Why Is That Name Not the One We Use? Is There Anything Wrong With Secular Studies? Why Is Studying Science Not Like Studying Torah, Since They Both Come From G-d?

Video of the Day

Ever wondered why your USPS packages magically appear on your doorstep without your bell being rung? This video of a USPS delivery in Williamsburg might be the answer.