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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 50% OFF 4 in 1 Baby Bassinet, Pack and Play, Bedside Crib Sleeper, and Diaper Changer

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

4 in 1 Baby Bassinet, Pack and Play

Bedside Crib Sleeper, Diaper Changer

Comes with Mattress, Mosquito Net

Bottom Storage and Toy Bar for Newborn

DEAL PRICE: $174.99 (50% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

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8:00pm: What Is the Halachik and Hashkafic Explanation for Public Menorahs?

The topics in this week’s 288th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: What Is the Halachik and Hashkafic Explanation for Public Menorahs? How Do We Explain the Victory of Chanukah When in the End Greek Secularism Seems to Have Prevailed in Modern Times? How Do We Explain the Seemingly Unacceptable Behavior of the Tribes? If You Don’t like Someone, Is It Better to Be Two-Faced and Speak Nicely to the Person, or Behave like the Tribes Who Couldn’t Speak to Yosef?