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Jewish Tombstones Vandalized in Rome

Dozens of gravestones were desecrated in the Jewish section of the Verano cemetery in Rome, Italy. The Chabad emissary in Rome, Rabbi Menachem Lazar, is helping families who live abroad and whose loved ones’ tombstones were vandalized in rebuilding them.

Chabad Wins Kapparos Case in Federal Court

On Friday, May 12, U.S. District Court judge André Birotte, Jr. granted a legal victory to the Chabad of Irvine, California. The judge dismissed a lawsuit brought against them by animal rights activists, who sought to end the 1200-year-old Orthodox Jewish ceremony of Kapparos practiced by the synagogue on the eve of Yom Kippur.

Storms Give Way to Sunshine for Miami Parade

Heavy rains were pouring down at 7am as organizers of Florida’s Great Parade were setting up. The weather report showed definite storm showers for the entire day. Florida’s Head Shliach Rabbi Abraham Korf immediately wrote into the Ohel, asking the Rebbe for a special blessing for great weather and great success for the Sunshine State’s Great Parade.

The Video that Couldn’t Be Played at the Parade

A technical glitch at the Great Parade prevented many from enjoying a video clip that was specially produced for the event. The popular Maor Kids Videos released a Parade Special, welcoming everybody to the Great Parade and helping kids get started with their brachos. We present it here for our readers to enjoy.

How the Kotel Became Synonymous with Tefillin

50 years ago, on June 7, 1967 Israeli paratroopers captured the Old City of Jerusalem. The little alley in front of the Western Wall was soon flooded with the Jewish soldiers—religious and non-religious, kipah-wearers and kibbutzniks. Photos and film of that day depict battle-hardened men breaking down in tears as they encountered the Kotel. A shofar was blown. Soldiers prayed, even those not used to doing so. Less than a week later, on Shavuot, the Western Wall plaza opened to the public. The next morning four Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidim stationed themselves at the wall with tefillin, offering throngs of Jews the opportunity to transform their raw emotions into concrete action. The men were on the front lines of the newly-launched tefillin campaign, which the Rebbe had initiated just days before war started.