“I Do Not Certify or Endorse the Eruv”
Rabbi Elkanah Schwartz, the Rov of Congregation Kol Israel, clarified his stance regarding the new Eruv dubbed “The Greater Crown Height Eruv” that was purportedly under his auspices.
Rabbi Elkanah Schwartz, the Rov of Congregation Kol Israel, clarified his stance regarding the new Eruv dubbed “The Greater Crown Height Eruv” that was purportedly under his auspices.
The New York Times has published a scathing article blasting Brooklyn’s Shomrim patrols, painting them as a menace to the non-Jewish residents of the city and questioning whether thy have a disproportionate amount of influence with the NYPD.
A 94-year-old former Auschwitz guard was convicted on Friday of being an accessory to the murder of 170,000 people, according to the judge presiding over what could be one of Germany’s last Holocaust trials.
Despite opposition from local Halachic authorities, an Eruv has been erected around Crown Heights for the first time in history, enabling Jewish residents who choose to use it to carry and push strollers on Shabbos.
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Yosef Dovid Chanowitz, a Kosher Field Representative for the OK kosher certification agency, will lead a discussion on the topic: Why bug me about insects? A Halachic analysis on the current state of produce infestation.
CrownHeights.info and Lubavitch Archives present a unique photo of the Rebbe saying Shema during Maariv, circa early 1960s.
The woman was not from a Chabad background, and didn’t understand why Reb Mendel wouldn’t make a commitment without the Rebbe’s blessing.