Video: Avraham Fried Brings Joy, Unity to Kharkov
As part of a historic tour throughout Ukraine, Chasidic singing superstar Avraham Fried performed for hundreds of Jews in Kharkov’s Opera Theater.
As part of a historic tour throughout Ukraine, Chasidic singing superstar Avraham Fried performed for hundreds of Jews in Kharkov’s Opera Theater.
Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parsha, Metzora. This week Rabbi Benny answers the question: When the Metzora is ready to be purified and integrated back into society, does he travel to the Kohen, or does the Kohen come to him?
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Moshe Vogel, a prominent Mashgiach and cheese-making expert, will lead a discussion on the topic – A Halachic Look at Modern-Day Cheese-Making, as well as a Q&A about kashrus and Pesach.
This Yud-Alef Nissan marks a milestone. Numerous Jews around the world, in and out of Lubavitch, will be talking on that date about something that the Rebbe always “koched zich” in – the importance of one single mitzvah.
In the city of Lubavitch lived a wagon driver by the name of Nochum Nochumavitch. One ordinary weekday, Nochum entered the shul when Reb Pinchos was in the middle if his davening. Listening to Reb Pinchos’ davening inspired Reb Nochum that he also had an urge to pour out his heart to Hashem.
This coming Tuesday, Yud Aleph Nissan, marks the 114th birthday of the Rebbe. In honor of the occasion, 66 Mitzvah Tanks, corresponding to 66 years of the Rebbe’s leadership, will parade through Manhattan, after which they will spread throughout New York City spreading awareness about Judaism and particularly the observance of Pesach.
The MyLife: Chassidus Applied Essay Contest is drawing to a close, with the winners set to be announced this Sunday. Out of the hundreds of essays submitted, one essay, written by a 14-year-old girl, caught the attention of the judges.
CrownHeights.info and Lubavitch Archives Present a unique photo of the Rebbe delivering a Maamar on his birthday, Yud Aleph Nissan, 1977.