Photos: 1000’s Partake in Hakhel Gathering
Thousands gathered on Eastern Parkway for a Hakhel gathering that featured a special program including music and dancing.
Thousands gathered on Eastern Parkway for a Hakhel gathering that featured a special program including music and dancing.
Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Maggid Shiur in Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the laws of Hoshanah Rabbah, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.
A mass gathering – arranged in conjunction with the schools and Shuls of Crown Heights – for the entire community, in honor of Hakhel. The event is being broadcasted live here on CrownHeights.info beginning at 7:30pm.
The students of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva-Crown St. had a build-your-own-sukkah contest. They put their creative minds and hands to work and built their own model Sukkahs, each with its own twist.
A portion of a “seemingly never-ending dispute” in New York Federal Court came to an end when a district judge dismissed a major part of a lawsuit filed by Vaad L’Hafotzas Sichos and Zalman Chanin against Merkos and Aguc”h over the printing of the Rebbe’s Sichos.
A Jewish husband and wife were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in front of four of their six children near the Israeli settlement of Itamar. The victims of the terror attack were identified as Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin from Neria.
The New York City Department of Emergency Management has reached out to the Jewish community to notify them that the city is expecting strong winds due to Hurricane Joaquin as early as tonight, Thursday, and this is expected to continue throughout Friday and Shabbos. Sukkahs that are not properly secured, especially those on high balconies, can pose severe danger.
Photographer Mendel Benhamou captured a photo gallery of Chol Hamoed Sukkos in and around Lubavitch World Headquarters-770 in Crown Heights.
Rabbi Arieh Raichman, Shliach to Manaus, the capital city of Brazil’s vast and isolated Amazon region, related the following story about his nail-biting quest to obtain a set of Lulav and Esrog before the onset of Yomtov, which he acquiesced to share with our readers.
It is not a new idea to us Chabad Chassidim that the Internet and technology can be used for disseminating our deep teachings, bringing our tradition to thousands across the globe, in a tangible way.
On Friday before Sukkos, a unique Grand Kinus Hakhel took place in Beis Rivkah of Montreal, for all its 500 students and teachers together, starting from 18-month-old “taf” in the pre-school, through Kindergarten, Elementary and High School.
Steady rain drenched much of the East Coast on Wednesday, flooding roads, closing schools and forcing some people from their homes. And forecasters say the worst is yet to come.
Rabbi Pesach Fishman is presently the educational director of Torah Academy Boys High School in Johannesburg, South Africa. He was interviewed by JEM’s My Encounter with the Rebbe project in August of 2014.
Thousands turned out last night for the celebrations of Simchas Beis Hasueva in Crown Heights.