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Israel’s Oldest Charity Distributes $3.5 Million Worth

Jewish holidays are festive occasions spent with family and friends gathered around tables laden with bountiful, multicourse meals. But when people are facing financial hardship, the holidays can turn into a source of worry and stress. The costs of meat and poultry can be prohibitive, and even basic foodstuffs may be out of financial reach.

Iran Nuclear Deal Survives: Democrats Block Disapproval Vote

Senate Democrats voted to uphold the hard-fought nuclear accord with Iran on Thursday, overcoming ferocious GOP opposition and delivering President Barack Obama a legacy-making victory on his top foreign policy priority.

CSSY Makes Urgent Appeal for Tishrei Needs

On Rosh Hashana 5738 (1977) at a farbrengen, the Rebbe spoke about the mitzvah of Ma’os Chittim, pointing out that the needs of the poor during Tishrei are even greater than during Nissan. He suggested that a fund be established supplying Shabbos and Yom Tov necessities to the needy. Hours later, CSSY – The Organization to Bring Joy on Shabbos and Yom Tov – was born.

Here’s My Story: Operation Lifeline

Rabbi David Hill served as vice chair of the National Conference on Soviet Jewry and ran Operation Lifeline, which sent American Jews behind the Iron Curtain to teach Torah and distribute religious articles. Rabbi Hill also headed the National Council of Young Israel from 1961-1965. He was interviewed by JEM’s My Encounter with the Rebbe project in his home in Queens in December of 2010.

Here's My Story