Large Menorah Lit in Shadow of Kremlin
Thousands of Jews of all ages crowded into Moscow’s Red Square to celebrate Chanukah with joy and pride.
Thousands of Jews of all ages crowded into Moscow’s Red Square to celebrate Chanukah with joy and pride.
Two men were taken into police custody while a third was taken to a nearby hospital after he was slashed with a knife inside of a Kingston Avenue building.
Hundreds of boys and girls gathered in 770 for special Chanukah Rally which featured a special performance by Chaim Fogelman. Children also enjoyed doughnuts and gave Tzadakah. The rally concluded with Mincha and the lighting of the Menorah in downstairs 770.
A record-breaking crowd of over 7,500 attended Chanukah in the Square, held on the first night of Chanukah December 16th 2014. The crowd was drawn to Trafalgar Square by the 30-foot-tall artistic Menorah, fresh doughnuts and great entertainment.
Florida Governor Rick Scott visited Chabad of South Broward Headquarters in Hallandale Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, December 17, and participated in a Menorah lighting at the Chai Tots Preschool Chanukah Party and Presentation.
At around 2:00pm this afternoon, an African-American man driving a black Nissan SUV up Kingston Ave. was involved in an altercation with a Jewish man, which quickly turned violent.
‘One Light,’ a newly-composed Chanukah song for women and girls by singer/songwriter Riv Eilfort, bears the message that even the smallest light illuminates the darkest places.
A group of Bochrim braved the poor weather conditions and brought the Chanukah spirit to Times Square – “the crossroads of the world.” The Bochurim assembled a Menorah made of PVC, and gave the honor of lighting it to a passing Jew. They then fanned out and distributed Menorah kits and the traditional jelly doughnuts to the many passersby.
Hundreds of residents and tourists converged on Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv last night to take part in the annual lighting of Chabad’s public Menorah.
Jewish-American contractor Alan Gross has landed in the U.S. after being released earlier today from a Cuban prison, where he had been held for five years. His release coincides with an historic deal between the U.S. and Cuban governments to normalize relations between the two nations, after over 50 years of hostility and embargo.
Shmuel Rosner, senior political editor for the L.A. Jewish Journal, wrote the following editorial piece on the outsized influence Chabad has, and will hopefully continue to have, on secular American Jewry.
A Chanukah Menorah greeting the residents of Hollis Hills in Queens, New York, was vandalized just before the start of Chanukah. Shliach Rabbi Yerachmiel Zalmanov tells CrownHeights.info that he was “shocked” at the discovery.
The celebration of Chanukah in Germany started with lighting the Menorah in the heart of Berlin – at the iconic Brandenburg Gate.
Chabad ACT, led by of Rabbi Shmueli Feldman, organized a menorah lighting and cocktail function in the ACT Parliament marking the first night of Chanukah.