The Rebbe’s Call for Summertime Tznius: ‘Alert Mothers to Danger of Neglecting Tznius in Raising Daughters’

“Every year before the summer, generally at the Yud Bais Tammuz Farbrengen, the Rebbe would speak about Tznius”, says Oholei Torah Mashpia Rabbi Michoel Seligson. At his suggestion, presents a new weekly feature for the summer months: a short thought of the Rebbe on tznius, as compiled by Rabbi Seligson.

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Video: What is Israel Connect?

Rabbi Sender and Rebbetzin Sara Gordon, Chabad Shluchim to Ottawa, Canada, created an innovated platform for elderly North American volunteers to connect with Israeli students and help them learn English. In its short lifespan, the program has seen tremendous growth and remarkable success.

Shluchim’s Homes Damaged by Gaza Rockets

This morning, hours before a ceasefire was set to take hold between Israel and Hamas, dozens of rockets and mortar shells rained down on southern Israel from Gaza. One rocket caused much damage and destruction to the homes of Rabbi S. Gruzman and Rabbi Shneur Lieberman, both Chabad Shluchim in Ashkelon. In the nearby Eshkol region, a mortar shell killed one Israeli man and injured two others.