Photos: Tisha B’av in CGI Parksville, NY
After completing the ‘Seuda Hamafsekes,’ Campers and staff at Gan Israel in Parksville, NY gathered Monday night to read Megilas Eicha and mourn the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh.
After completing the ‘Seuda Hamafsekes,’ Campers and staff at Gan Israel in Parksville, NY gathered Monday night to read Megilas Eicha and mourn the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh.
The NYPD is searching for a suspect who shot a 24-year-old man on Montgomery St. in Crown Heights this past Motzei Shabbos.
“Every year before the summer, generally at the Yud Bais Tammuz Farbrengen, the Rebbe would speak about Tznius”, says Oholei Torah Mashpia Rabbi Michoel Seligson. At his suggestion, CrownHeights.info presents a new weekly feature for the summer months: a short thought of the Rebbe on Tznius, as compiled by Rabbi Seligson.
These campers of Gan Yisroel-Detroit pose for a group portrait at the Bar-Mitzvah of one of their fellow bunkmates during the summer of 1974. Can you identify anyone in the photo?
When Luke Tumblin, 13, was trying to figure out what to do for his Eagle Scout Service Project, he considered and discarded a number of ideas. The youngster, who hopes to reach the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America, knew his project would have to help others and make a lasting impression on his community.
As the IDF withdraws its troops from Gaza, residents of Kfar Chabad arrived at the border to thank the soldiers for their sacrifice and raise their spirits with refreshments and the opportunity to put on Tefilin.
Minutes before the 72-hour ceasefire began, reporters for NDTV, an Indian news outlet, caught video of Hamas operatives firing a rocket from deep within a civilian zone.
“Chani, can you join the conference call today, the event committee will be discussing the luncheon?” That’s how it started for me. R’ Yoel Brill in his signature, ‘nothing but the best’ style was creating a ladies event to launch his organization called A Hope to Heal.
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan headed a special delegation from Toronto to Israel amidst the war in Gaza. He met with soldiers, parents that lost their children in battle, and communities in the south terrorized by rocket fire. Gripped with great emotion, Rabbi Kaplan, describes the incredible trip and the phenomenal outpouring of love and unity.