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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 58% OFF 110W Portable Solar Panel

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110W Portable Solar Panel

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Reb Leibel Scheiner’s Shopping List

Today marks the Shloshim since the passing of Rabbi Leibel Scheiner, Shliach of the Rebbe to Brighton, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. In honor of the occasion, we present the following article on Reb Leibel’s unwavering dedication to his Shlichus, written by his nephew Dovi Scheiner.

Lessons I Learned from Behind Bars

It felt (smelled) like the entire kitchen came out to hug me! But it turned out to be the Mashgiach of the place who after many hours of working in the kitchen carried a blend of aromas on his person. Grilled meat, onions, spices, you get the point. What really made the moment so enjoyable was the fact that one of the last times I’ve seen this guy was him in an orange jumpsuit, in a county jail.

by Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky