Terrorist Revelations Put Mumbai Jews on Alert

Following the news of a threat to the Mumbai Jewish community from a terrorist organisation, a prominent body that represents the Jewish community in the city has sent out advisories to all synagogues and members to be on alert, especially because the community is currently in the midst of a festive holiday.

Hindustan Times
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Alternate Side Parking Suspended Thursday, Friday

Alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended Thursday and Friday, September 26-27 for Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.

Please note: alternate side parking on parts of Eastern Parkway’s service lane will be in effect on Saturday. Please do not leave your car parked there over Yomtov as you will be unable to move your car before then and you will be ticketed.

Meet the ‘Are You Jewish?’ Chabad Guys

“Excuse me, are you Jewish?” It’s a question heard on the streets of New York and other cities this time of year as members of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement approach other Jews and ask them to shake the lulav and the etrog — a sheath of palm fronds and a citrus fruit — in observance of Sukkot.

by Naomi Zeveloff - Forward