Sword Sallower Performs at Long Island Sukkos Festival

Chabad at Adelphi University on Long Island teamed up with the local Hillel chapter for a hugely successful Sukkos party, featuring an amazing performance by Strongman/sword sallower Adam “the Real Man” Rinn.

The show featured Adam ripping a 700 page phone book in half, bending a horse shoe, swallowing swords up to 27 inches long and more.

There was a delicious spread of Glatt Kosher food inside the beautiful Sukkah, and everyone had an opportunity to Shake the Lulav and Esrog, many for the first time, courtesy of the Bochurim who came along and were involved in non-stop Mivtzoim.

“Sukkos is all about unity” explained Rabbi Yankel Lipskier, Director of Chabad at Adelphi; “what better way to celebrate that than by joining with other Jewish groups and reaching out to as many Jews as possible”.

Mara, a sophomore at Adelphi, had this to say: “I’m really excited that Chabad is starting at Adelphi, the Rabbi and Rebbetzin are such warm people, I really feel that this is going to be a great year”.

Special thanks to Rabbi Schwartz and Suzie Scher of the Hillel for the beautiful party, and to Adam Rinn for the amazing performance, and to the Chabad team: Rabbi Yankel and Mrs. Mushkie Lipsker, Mendel LevinAvremy Lerner and Rabbi Yossi and Chaya Rochel Lieberman, directors of Chabad West Hempstead.

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